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Annual Elections: Ballots Available May 11

Sent on behalf of Joelle Fanghanel, Chair of Leadership and Elections Committee

Dear member

I am delighted, on behalf of the Committee and the Board, to inform membership that we are now ready to proceed with the annual round of elections. There will be 2 positions to fill this year – one for VP US and one for the position of President-elect. You will receive a statement from the candidates and a short biography early next week.

The ballot will open on 11 May 2015 and close on 20 May 2015. Current members will receive an email with access to their ballot.

We urge members to influence the direction of ISSoTL, and are looking for a high level of engagement with the ballot. I thank you on behalf of the Board for your support to the Society through your vote.


Professor Joëlle Fanghanel

Past President |International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning |

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