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Announcing a Search for a New Co-editor for Teaching & Learning Inquiry

For the past four years, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, has been co-edited by Nancy Chick and Gary Poole. As the inaugural editors, they have brought the energy, intelligence, and leadership needed to launch and establish the journal in ways that we can all be proud of. 

Gary has recently announced his intent to retire from the position of co-editor. He will leave with deep thanks and admiration from all us. Thankfully, his departure will be a phased one, as he continues to serve as co-editor for 2017 and 2018 while a new partner for work with Nancy is identified and comes fully on board. 

The Publications Advisory Committee, which is charged with managing the search process, will be posting a formal position description and invitation to apply in March. Meanwhile, we encourage you to begin thinking about your possible interest in the co-editor role, or about colleagues who might be urged to apply. 

–Pat Hutchings, on behalf of the Publications Advisory Committee 

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