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Elementor #12708

As your Student Representatives to the ISSOTL Executive Board, we are writing to invite you to submit your work, if you have not done so already, for consideration for the ISSOTL Awards for Best Student Presentation and Poster.

Award Description: ISSOTL will recognize a student (or students) presenting the best student-led presentation and a student (or students) presenting the best student poster at the annual ISSOTL conference. The goal of ISSOTL is to foster inquiry and disseminate findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching in any discipline. The ISSOTL Awards for Best Student Presentation/Poster will acknowledge work that best represents the purposes, goals, and vision of ISSOTL and adds new knowledge, contributes innovative research, and/or provides insightful contribution to the field by a student presenter.

Application Process: Students who have had a proposal accepted to ISSOTL17 and who are interested in being considered for the ISSOTL Awards for Best Conference Presentation/Poster Presented by a Student must save a completed version of this application to Dropbox by Tuesday, 10 October:

  • Name:
  • Degree Type:
  • Academic Department:
  • University:
  • Conference Presentation/Poster Title:
  • Conference Presentation/Poster Abstract:
  • Conference Presentation/Poster Session Number:
  • Relative amount that you contributed to this research: 0% (no own work – presenting someone else’s project) – 50% (research conducted in equal collaboration with another academic) – 100% (all own work)
  • Relative amount that you contributed to this presentation: 0% (none – presentation created by someone else) – 50% (presentation created in equal collaboration with another academic) – 100% (all own work)  

See rubric

Award: At the conference, members of the ISSOTL Student Awards Committee will circulate among the concurrent sessions with presenters who asked to be considered for the award in order to adjudicate the sessions (the criteria for judging are attached). The award will be presented at the closing of the ISSOTL conference. Applicants are encouraged to attend the closing session but will still be eligible for the award. The award includes a certificate, acknowledgement on the ISSOTL website, and a one-year complimentary membership to ISSOTL.

Date of Award Notification: Saturday, 14 October 2017, following the ISSOTL17 Closing Keynote.


  • Undergraduate or Graduate students who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral program at a post-secondary institution or who were enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral program at a post-secondary institution in the most recent academic year (2016-2017).
  • Listed as primary author(s)/presenter(s) on their ISSOTL conference presentation or poster.
  • Must be presenting research that reflects their own work, not that of an advisor.
  • Presenting at the annual ISSOTL conference.
  • Members of the award adjudication committee are ineligible.

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference,

Sam Lucie Dvorakova, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Aaron Long, University of Kansas, USA
Student Representatives to the Board

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