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#ISSOTL18 Highlights

In addition to a wealth of engaging papers, panels, workshops, and posters, #ISSOTL18 attendees are invited to attend open committee meetings, Special Interest Group meetings, and other events. We’ve highlighted several below. Please check the conference program for all schedule details.

Wednesday, October 24

16:00-17:00 New to ISSOTL

An informal meet and greet where people new to ISSOTL will mingle in small groups with ISSOTL leaders
Room: Nina – Level 3

17:30-19:00 Opening Keynote

Opening Keynote – How Norway went SoTL, Presented by: Terje Mørland with friends
Room: University Aula

19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception

Welcome Reception
Room: University Aula

Thursday, October 25

7:30-8:20 SIG Meetings

ISSOTL Fellows Consultation – Klokkeklang, level 0
The ISSoTL Board is creating a fellowship of leaders who have made exemplary contributions to the scholarship of teaching in learning at the local, national, regional, and/or international levels. This fellowship – at its core – is a community of learners committed to scholarship, mentorship, leadership, and engagement in SoTL in its many forms. The two Fellowship Coordinators, Dr. Heather Smith (UNBC) and Dr. Jesica Riddell (Bishop’s) are hosting a community consultation process to engage members of ISSoTL in the creation and implementation of this fellows program. All are welcome to contribute to the process of creating and implementing a fellowship of SoTL leaders to be champions, allies, advocates and mentors.

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in History (HistorySoTL) – Bekkelokken, level 0
If you teach history or history pedagogy, please come along to this meeting to exchange ideas, initiatives, research and experiences and explore ways in which we might be able to work together in the future.

8:30-9:25 Keynote

Keynote – People who are not thinking are capable of anything: What are students learning, how are students learning it, and does it make them better people, Presented by: Elizabeth Minnich
Room: Peer Gynt – Level 2

11.00-12.30 Student Welcome Event

Student Welcome Event
An informal meet and greet for all student attendees
Room: Nina – Level 3

12:30-13:30 Lunch

Lunch, with reserved tables for regional lunch meetings for the Asia Pacific Region, the US Region, the Canada Region, and the European region.
Place: Foyer 2GH – Level 

Asia Pacific Regional meeting: Join fellow Asia Pacific members for a lunch conversation.

Canada Regional meeting: Please join us for a regional meeting in Bergen, Norway. Connect with colleagues, discuss the various trends in Canada around SoTL and explore possible collaborations with scholars in your region. Hosted by the two VPs Canada, Dr. Heather Smith (UNBC) and Dr. Jesica Riddell (Bishop’s), conversations promise to be both edifying and delightful.

European Regional meeting: Meet with fellow Euro-ISSOTL’ers at Lunch, Thursday. At the meeting we will – besides networking – discuss how SOTL is practiced in Europe and how we can help facilitate the enhancement of SOTL in Europe.

United States Regional meeting: We would like to meet US-based ISSOTL members attending the conference. Join us during lunch on Thursday for conversation and an exchange of ideas. 

Chat with the TLI Editor – Look for Nancy Chick near the exhibitors and conference bookstore.

17:30-19:00 SIG and Committee Meetings

Publications Advisory Committee – Gjendine, level 0
New Developments and Opportunities: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal (TLI), and How You Can Contribute
Please join PAC members for this open meeting sponsored by the Publications Advisory Committee (PAC) which works to ensure that TLI supports the work of ISSOTL members and advances the mission of the organization. Learn about important recent developments, including a new editorial model that will build leadership for the journal and help to make it sustainable.  Additionally, you’ll have a chance to hear from TLI editors and PAC members about the various ways you can contribute to the journal—for instance by turning the good work you’re presenting at the conference into a successful submission.

Multinational Teaching Fellows SIG – Klokkeklang, level 0
Open to all delegates and serves as a wonderful forum to meet with colleagues, inspire aspiring fellows and work towards a network for inclusive practice.

Meet bioCEED – Troldtog, level 3
An informal meeting with bioCEED – Centre for Excellence in Biology Education 

18:00-20:00 International Panel on Guerilla leadership

International Panel on Guerilla Leadership – Scandic City Hotel, City Bar
This panel explores a comparative and localized application of the metaphor of guerrilla leadership, thus providing us with insights about both common and unique challenges we face in our efforts to foster a culture of learning in our disciplines and our institutions. Learning objectives include building capacities for strategic engagement as educational leaders. Our experiences tell us that leading change in teaching and learning can be difficult and we want to create a space that acknowledges that conflict exists but also provide a space of hope. 

Friday, October 26

7:30-8:20 SIG and Committee Meetings

Communications Committee – Gjendine, level 0
ISSOTL members are invited to meet with the Communications Committee for updates about the Society’s website, the ISSOTL blog, the social media pages, and more.

Student Engagement SiG & Students as Co-Inquirers SIG – Klokkeklang, level 0
This will be a joint meeting of interest groups focused on Student Engagement and Students as Co-Inquirers.

Advocacy Committee – Småtroll, level 0
Come contribute your voice to this important dialogue about the relevance of SoTL for improving learning and for policy development. Open to all conference attendees and the committee welcomes new membership.

The Scholarship of Leading SIG – Bekkelokken, level 0
The Scholarship of Leading Special Interest Group (SIG) is committed to pursuing scholarly work on the relationships between leading, teaching and learning. The mission of this SIG is to create opportunities for dialogue, to promote scholarly research on the topic, and to provide support to ISSoTL members interested in and engaged in leadership. This year’s meeting will include a brief overview of some of the findings from last year’s survey of the SIG, and provide time for sharing of key questions SIG members are exploring/want to explore related to the Scholarship of Leading.

8:30-9:25 Keynote

Keynote – Institutional leadership reflections for developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in institutional culture,
Presented by: Renuka Vithal
Room: Peer Gynt – Level 2

12:30-14:00 Member Business Meeting and Lunch

Member Business Meeting and Lunch
Place: Foyer 2GH – Level 2

17:30-19:30 Poster Session and Reception

All posters will be presented in the Grieg Area – level 2 between 17:30 and 19:30 on Friday, Oct. 26th

Saturday, October 27

7:30-8:50 SIG Meetings

Arts and Humanities Special Interest Group, Gjendine – level 0
If you are a teacher-scholar in the disciplines of the humanities (literature, philosophy, classics, religion, history, languages, et al) seeking a sense of community within ISSOTL, please join us for our annual check-in and planning session.

Information Literacy Special Interest Group, Småtroll – level 0
If you are interested in how students find, evaluate, and use different information sources, please join us for this first-ever Information Literacy SIG meeting. We will be discussing what information literacy means in a SoTL context, how information literacy is relevant across disciplines, and the roles each of us play in teaching information literacy. Our primary goals this year are 1) to get to know each other and 2) form an informal online working group for sharing ideas and collaboration. All perspectives are welcome!

12:10-13:30 Closing Keynote

Keynote – A learning culture – more about how than about what,
Presented by: Torgny Roxå
Room: Peer Gynt – Level 2

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