To learn more about submitting a post for the ISSOTL blog, visit the ISSOTL Blog submission page.

19 October

Communications Committee Seeks New Members

The ISSOTL Communications Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining effective communication with and among Society members. The committee contributes to and monitors the website, blog, and social media pages as primary means of communication with current and potential members. …

18 October

2019 ISSOTL Fellows

It is our distinct honour to announce the inaugural cohort of ISSOTL Fellows. Earle Abrahamson,  (University of East London, UK) Anita Acai,  (McMaster University, Canada) Qi Gao,  (Beijing Institute of Technology, China) Ruth Healey,  (University of Chester, UK) Kirsten Jack,  (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) David …

18 October

ISSOTL Strategic Plan Draft

Introduction: Fifteen Years of Creating Community   ISSOTL was founded in 2004 by an interdisciplinary and international group of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) scholars. Their shared commitment to teaching and learning has guided the ISSOTL mission since. Our mission statement reads:  The International Society for the …

06 October

Assistant Director: Faculty Development

The Innovation in Learning Center at Univ. of South Alabama, in Mobile, AL is seeking an experienced, inspiring colleague to join our team. We support faculty development, course development, distance learning and instructional technologies across the University. Current ILC programs focus …

30 September

Where do presenters at ISSOTL come from and what can this tell us about SoTL? Part Two: A closer look at the ISSOTL maps

Brian Jackson, Associate Professor, Mount Royal University, bjackson@mtroyal.caMargy MacMillan, Professor Emerita, Mount Royal University,  In a previous post we looked at where ISSOTL conference presenters came from and which institutions had consistent participation. However, the data also show that there’s more than just …