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ISSOTL Connect Cluster 3: SoTL Partnerships

ISSOTL Connect’s third Cluster will be made available on Thursday, February 25th at 12pm noon EST / 5pm GMT and Friday, February 26th at 1am SGT/AWST. You’ll find the full playlist on ISSOTL’s YouTube page at

Cluster 3 includes the following video presentations:

“Things Are Different Now:” A Student, Staff, and Faculty Instructional Continuity Collaboration
Maggie Debelius, Georgetown University with Susannah McGowan, Claire Reid, Aiyanna Maciel, and Alexa Eason

Student Partnerships – Bridging the Gap Between Staff and Students
Susan Smith, University of Sussex

Drivers Seat: A Qualitative Study of a Pilot Students-as-Partners Program
Makayla Shank, Penn State University with Devon Anckle

SoTL Scaffolding: A Survey of SoTL Programming Through the Eyes of a Student Co-Researcher
Armelys Soba, Penn State University

Collaborating Across the Power Lines: Reflections of a Peer Mentor & Professor on an Undergraduate Peer Mentoring Experience
Tanaeem Rehman, University of Calgary with Mayi Arcellana-Panlilio

Undergraduate Students and Decoding the Disciplines: The Role of Student-Researchers and Student-Participants in Decoding the Disciplines Research
Jared McBrady, SUNY Cortland with Holly Pelnar, Leslie Cameron, and David Pace

Using Think-Alouds to Cultivate Partnerships with Students
Allison M. Sauerwein, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Student Partnership in Duologues
Chew Xin Ru, National University of Singapore with Han Zhe and Fung Fun Man

Transforming Learner-to-Learner Remote Student Support
Barry Magrill, Capilano University with Austin Cove, Etienne Rutkowski, Mehmet Sarigul, Josie Buno, Brenda Cervantes, Argel Monte de Ramos, Alviss Luu, Nandini Starda, Mayumi Izumi, Badar Khan, and Ishita Sharda

A Step Back and a Step Up for Peer-led Tutorials: Empowering Student Leaders to Embed Transferrable Skills while Putting Complex Material into Perspective
Lauren Zink, University of Lethbridge

It Takes a Village: What Works in an Interdisciplinary, Project-based Capstone Course?
Danielle Robinson, York University with Alecia Carolli, Elaine C. Balidio, Celia Popovic, and Alice S. N. Kim

Partnership in an Interdisciplinary Capstone Classroom: How to Balance Student, Partner, and Professor Needs and Expectations to Optimize Success
Laura Farrugia, Teaching and Learning Research in Action with Danielle Robinson and Alice S. N. Kim

Brokering SoTL from the Boundaries: A Partnership of Hearts and Mind
Analise Hofmann, University of British Columbia with Heather Lewis, Andrea Webb, Genevieve Maheux-Pelletier, Ann Gansemer-Topf, Julie Luu, and Barbara Kensington-Miller

MegaSoTL Projects: Potentials to Promote SoTL in Higher Education
Dr. Sara Nasrollahian Mojarad, University of Iowa with Dr. Laura Cruz

BALKANIZED no MORE: Building Regional Leadership in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Blerta Mustafa, University of Pristina with Laura E. Cruz

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