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2022 Call for Nominations

The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s representatives establish new directions for this organization while managing ongoing activities and services of the Society.

The ISSOTL Recognition Committee welcomes suggestions for nominees, including self-nominations, to roles on the ISSOTL Board for the following positions:

President Elect
VP Europe
VP Asia/Pacific
VP Canada
Student VP

Representatives of ISSOTL carry out responsibilities according to ISSOTL’s bylaws (available at, normally participate in the annual ISSOTL conference (with their own funding) during their term of office, and help the Society increase and serve its membership. Terms of office are three years for Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary; two years for Student VPs; and one year for President Elect, who becomes President and Past President in subsequent years (for a total of three years of service). Those officers elected in 2022 will begin their terms on July 1, 2022.

To suggest a nominee, if it is not yourself, please first verify that the individual is willing to stand for candidacy and they are an active member of ISSOTL. Self-nominations will also be accepted.

To submit the nomination to the Recognition Committee, please submit the following information:

  • Name, institution, and title of suggested candidate
  • Contact information (address, e-mail address, phone number)
  • Position for which the person is suggested as a candidate
  • Brief biography, written in the first person that will be displayed on the elections ballot (max 150 words) for the suggestion, including such factors as:
    • individual scholarly work on teaching and learning;
    • past experience in organizational leadership;
    • recognition and respect within the scholarship of teaching and learning community;
    • ability to work well with a team;
    • range of contacts in higher/tertiary education, etc.
  • Your name, institution, title, and contact information (if not the same as candidate)
  • Candidate’s statement (up to 150 words)
    A personal statement, written in the first person covering why the candidate wishes to stand for the post and including their vision for what they would like to achieve in the post. These statements will also be posted on the elections ballot.

Please submit this information to the Recognition Committee at no later than 28th of February 2022. Use the subject line (ISSOTL Election) and attach the information of your suggested candidate (or yourself if a self-nomination) required above in a Word document. The Committee appreciates your help in suggesting and encouraging excellent leaders for ISSOTL.

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