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ISSOTL24 | Message from the Publications Committee

Whether a first-time ISSOTLer attending the conference in French Lick or a seasoned veteran, we’re sure you left this part of the world with new ideas, new colleagues, and multiple fantastic interactions both in and outside of the conference sessions (plus a bit of Halloween candy!).

The ISSOTL annual conference aims to provide a collegial atmosphere where ideas can be shared in constructive and productive ways. This year, as in past years, we heard again and again about the helpful, hospitable, and encouraging spirit with which attendees approached each other’s work. We’re grateful to the host team, Shannon Sipes and Greg Siering and their Indiana University team for their hospitality and supreme coordination. 

The editorial team of our flagship journal, Teaching and Learning Inquiry (TLI), delivered another fantastic workshop on their publication and peer review process at the conference. TLI invites SoTL scholars to submit articles, essays, and posters; the journal also invites as well as book and website reviews. Being a TLI reviewer is also a fantastic way to be a collegial partner in reviewing articles and providing constructive feedback to peers.

Photo: Kelly Schrum, TLI Workshop at ISSOTL24

Awards: The TLI editorial team and the Publications Committee announced the winners of two awards on October 30th after Lauren Scharff’s keynote.

The Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award went to two reviewers:

Congratulations, Karin Watson and Sophia Abbott, for your thoughtful, insightful feedback to the authors!

The Nancy Chick Article of the Year Award went to Faye Halpern for “The Morphology of the SoTL Article: New Possibilities for the Stories that SoTL Scholars Tell About Teaching and Learning.” Congratulations!

Photo credit: Nancy Chick

On behalf of the Publications Committee, we appreciate all how ISSOTL members share their work. We look forward to hearing more about yours!

Susannah McGowan and Elina Salminen, Publications Committee Co-Chairs

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