To learn more about submitting a post for the ISSOTL blog, visit the ISSOTL Blog submission page.

16 February

ISSOTL Elections – Nominations due 2 March 2015

The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – the premier international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — seeks leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession.  ISSOTL’s officers …

06 January

Has your membership lapsed? Renew today!

Mary Ann Danielson, Secretary of ISSOTL, is in the process of contacting (former) 2013-2014 members of ISSOTL if our records indicate that they have not yet renewed their ISSOTL membership for 2014-2015. If your membership has lapsed, we hope that …

18 December

ISSOTL 2015 Call for Abstracts is Open

The 12th annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning will take place from 27-30 October 2015 in Melbourne, Australia. The conference will be co-hosted by Monash University and RMIT University and held at RMIT …