The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – the premier international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — seeks leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s officers …
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – the premier international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — seeks leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s officers …
Abstract: Instructors across the disciplines require their students to write literature reviews. Although numerous sources describe the literature review process, instructors and students face difficulty when approaching the structure of a literature review. This paper presents a straightforward, efficient approach …
Mary Ann Danielson, Secretary of ISSOTL, is in the process of contacting (former) 2013-2014 members of ISSOTL if our records indicate that they have not yet renewed their ISSOTL membership for 2014-2015. If your membership has lapsed, we hope that …
Abstract: Positive relationships between instructors and students are critical to effective learning in the classroom. Rooted in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and centered at the crossroads of interpersonal communication and instructional communication (Affective Learning Model), this study …
The 12th annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning will take place from 27-30 October 2015 in Melbourne, Australia. The conference will be co-hosted by Monash University and RMIT University and held at RMIT …
Abstract: Writing in the Disciplines curricula can both challenge and reinforce assumptions that writing is a general skill that students will already have learned prior to doing the specialized writing in their chosen field of study. Rhetorical genre studies, however, …
As part of the ISSOTL 2015 Conference hosted in Melbourne Australia, colleagues are invited to apply to participate in a year-long international collaborative writing group. There will be eight groups, each of which will prepare and write an article during …
By Beth Marquis, McMaster University, Canada (this blog appears courtesy of Beth and SoTL Canada, for whom the blog was written this month) In a previous post on the SoTL Canada website, Brad Wuetherick invited readers to join a ‘growing …
Posted by Dan Bernstein, Past President and Chair of the Leadership and Elections Committee, on behalf of the Board of Directors who have voted to present the revised set of bylaws for approval by the Society’s membership The ISSoTL Board …