Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award. This award is designed to recognize ISSOTL members who have served both ISSOTL and the broader field of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning …
Beginning in July 2016, Teaching & Learning Inquiry will be hosted at the University of Calgary as part of the university’s Open Access publishing program through Libraries and Cultural Resources. The 4.2 issue (scheduled for September 2016) will be the first to …
Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI)—the journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)—is now available online and open access at TLIjournal.com. On January 1, all issues of TLI went online under a CC-BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and …
Jennifer Meta Robinson, Ph.D, Professor of Practice in the Indiana University Department of Anthropology, will receive the 2016 Distinguished Service Award from the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) at the organization’s annual meeting on October …
Nineteen students were identified as ISSOTL Emerging Scholars Fund recipients in September. The award supported their attendance at the Society’s 2016 conference in October. The 2016 recipients were: Ashley Akenson, Tennessee Tech (USA), Ph.D. student Renate Marie Alling, University of Oslo (Norway), …
One of the features of ISSOTL conference this year was two open discussions about future directions for the Society’s journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry. Sponsored by the Publications Advisory Committee, which oversees the journal’s financial health and sustainability, the sessions attracted approximately …
A Report from the Publications Advisory Committee, August 2014 * This report is also available in .pdf format: here. In March of this year, the then-newly approved Publications Advisory Committee (previously operating as an ad hoc committee) delivered to the ISSOTL Board, at …