The ISSOTL Presidential Team, Board of Directors, and ISSOTL 2020 Planning Team regret to announce that the 2020 ISSOTL Annual Conference has been cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our colleagues in Perth already have extended significant energy to planning an exciting event, and we know that the conference is a place for us all to share and develop important work, so cancelling the meeting is heartbreaking.
Having made the difficult decision to cancel the conference, we are now moving into the next phase of planning for what follows. Please watch for updates in the coming months about alternate, online events for our members to fill part of the void created by canceling the conference. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
October 27-30, 2020
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) fosters collaborative, interdisciplinary, and innovative scholarship in the area of higher education teaching and learning around the world. The University of Western Australia (UWA) is proud to be hosting ISSOTL 2020 in Perth, Australia. Established in 1911 and situated on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people, UWA is one of Australia’s leading universities and is recognised for excellence in teaching, learning and research. At ISSOTL 2020, we seek to bring together scholars of teaching and learning from around the globe to explore the role SoTL can play in ensuring that the practices and cultures we value at our universities, and beyond, are sustained into the future.
The city of Perth, the capital of Western Australia, sits where the Swan River (Derbal Yaragan) meets the Southwest coast. The iconic riverside Kings Park (Garra-Katta), incorporating the Botanic Gardens, provides spectacular views of the city and is only a short distance from the UWA campus. For the Whadjuk Noongar people, this beautiful part of Perth has been of special significance as a place of culture and learning for many thousands of years.
Contemporary Perth is renowned for its clean, sandy beaches, natural environment, bright, sunny weather and glorious sunsets over the Indian Ocean. Perth is a vibrant, multicultural city with a great café culture, a thriving independent arts scene, and a warm and welcoming heart. Located less than 30 minutes from the city centre is the Swan Valley, a renowned wine and gourmet food region. Further afield, Western Australia offers a diverse range of amazing places to visit.
UWA is a World Top 100 university and is a part of the Group of Eight – a coalition of the top research universities in the Australia. Our beautiful Perth campus sits adjacent to the Swan River and is among the most picturesque in the nation. It offers a range of cafes, bookshops, and a vibrant cultural precinct with art galleries, theatres and an outdoor cinema. The campus is just 10 minutes from the city centre.
Along with UWA, Perth has four other world class universities, each offering a distinctive Learning and Teaching experience. Our five universities regularly collaborate to conduct learning and teaching activities which foster cooperative engagement in local, national and international scholarly activities. This is a feature of the academic culture in Perth of which we are particularly proud. Perth also has a wide range of other higher education institutes including technical and vocational education institutes and private providers. Together, we build on the unbroken tradition of teaching and learning practiced by the First Nations People of our region for over 40 millennia.
Conference organising committee
The ISSOTL 2020 conference organising committee comprises representatives from the five West Australian universities – Curtin University, Edith Cowan University (ECU), Murdoch University, and the University of Notre Dame – along with UWA. We bring a together wide variety of skills and expertise across diverse disciplines to create an innovative and collegial ISSOTL2020 experience.
We warmly invite you to join us for the ISSOTL 2020 Conference, Sustainable Education through SoTL, in Perth, Australia from October 27 to 30.
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