Emerging Scholars Fund
ISSOTL recognizes the importance of engaging emerging scholars who may be considering the scholarship of teaching and learning as part of their careers. This fund support these emerging scholars’ active explorations of SoTL and the ISSOTL community by providing a conference fee waiver and complimentary membership in the Society.
Recipients of the Emerging Scholars Fund must do the following:
- Join the ISSOTL Student Engagement and Co-Inquiry Interest Group. In your capacity as a member of this Interest Group,
- serve as a judge for the upcoming Student Presentation and Poster Award.
- serve as a judge in adjudicating the Emerging Scholars Fund for the next two years.
- At the upcoming conference, attend the Student Welcome and New-to-ISSOTL sessions, a variety of presentations, the poster session, and the conference closing session.
- After the conference, submit a brief reflection on their conference experience in written or video format to be published on the ISSOTL blog.
Selection Process
Applications will be evaluated by members of the ISSOTL Student Engagement and Co-Enquiry Group and the Recognition Committee. Decisions will be based on the applicant’s commitment to SoTL and the relevance of ISSOTL conference participation and membership to the applicant’s professional development and career plans. The committee will also assess the applicant’s engagement and commitment to ISSOTL itself, giving priority to students with accepted presentations and posters at the conference, and students that serve ISSOTL as members of committees or in other official capacities.
Acknowledging the significant expenses associated with international travel, the adjudication committee also strives to fund students from a variety of higher education institutions, geographic locations, and academic disciplines. Since the ISSOTL Emerging Scholars Fund is both needs-based and merit-based, applicants should consider both aspects in their application.
How to Apply
The online application form will be posted here, and applications are due by June 1 each year.
Note that you will submit a recent photograph and a short (100-word maximum) biography as part of your application. If selected, your materials will be used in ISSOTL’s announcement of the Emerging Scholars Fund recipients.
Past Emerging Scholars Fund Recipients