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ISSOTL Board of Directors | 2025 Call for Nominations
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s Board representatives establish …
ISSOTL24 | Message from the Publications Committee
Whether a first-time ISSOTLer attending the conference in French Lick or a seasoned veteran, we’re sure you left this part of the world with new ideas, new colleagues, and multiple fantastic interactions both in and outside of the conference sessions …
Reimagining Student Success through Engagement and Soft Outcomes: Learning from a Capstone Course in a Canadian Polytechnic
By Clare Mulcahy and Ashique Khan The authors of this essay noticed a recurring trend in their classes. A student would enter a class with a high GPA (grade point average) and leave with it intact. These types of students …
Don’t Set Goals, Set Systems: Using Decoding the Disciplines and Students as Partners to Strengthen a History Department and its Teacher Candidates
By Jared McBrady This article started with a quest to find time for SoTL research. As a tenure-track faculty member, I had to juggle teaching, service, and research alongside the demands of family life (including a toddler). Too often in …
What is the Role of Trust in Peer Support Schemes for Underrepresented Students?
By Claire Hamshire, Mimi Benjamin and Alan Soong Swee Kit This publication stems from a three-year study supported by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University as part of their research seminar series to examine conditions for meaningful learning …
Sense of Belonging Promotoes Internship Satisfaction
By Melinda K. Adams and Jody E. Jessup-Anger In 2021, we gathered with colleagues in our first of three meetings at the Elon summer research seminar, (Re) Examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning Experiences. We were curious about the connection between …
Building Trust Through Feedback: Transforming Higher Education Classrooms
By Breana Bayraktar, Kiruthika Ragupathi and Katherine A. Troyer Our recent research on building trust through feedback in higher education has significant implications for teaching practices across disciplines. We discovered that creating a trusting feedback environment involves a delicate interplay …
Superficially Plausible Outputs from a Black Box: Problematising GenAI Tools for Analysing Qualitative SoTL Data
By Mirjam Sophia Glessmer and Rachel Forsyth We spent the last months reading, coding, discussing, re-coding, discussing some more, re-coding, discussing even more, and then consensus coding free-text answers of 449 students, completing the analysis, and submitting the manuscript. “Just …
A Story About Storying: Inspiring Through the History of the Grand Challenges for SoTL
By Lauren Scharff and Jennie Mills The prologue It is unextraordinary to assert that human beings think in stories. Since the earliest times, we have used stories to warn others of the dangers of the world and how we might …
Meet the Teaching & Learning Inquiry Editorial Team
The ISSOTL Publications Committee is pleased to welcome Teaching & Learning Inquiry’s new Editorial Team members (2025-2028). Jessie Moore (US) has been selected as the incoming co-editor. Corinne Green (Aus), Nira Rahman (Aus), Jennifer Dalton (US), Leslie Shayer (CA) and Breana Bayraktar (US) …
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Teaching Critical Thinking to Student Experience
By Vincent C.A. Crone and Merel van Goch As educators in the humanities, we often question whether we are truly meeting our students’ needs in teaching, particularly when it comes to what may be our most important research tool: critical …
Reading Deeply, Connecting Broadly: Reflections on Engaging Together with SoTL’s Grand Challenges
By Maria Gallardo-Williams (North Carolina State University, mtgallar@ncsu.edu) and Nancy Chick (Rollins College, nchick@rollins.edu) In the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), we often find ourselves exploring research practices, methodologies, and frameworks to enhance teaching. But sometimes, we’re called to …
Update to the ISSOTL Regions and Board
We are pleased to announce that, following our recent Annual Business Meeting at ISSOTL24, it has been approved that new regions—Latin America & the Caribbean, the Middle East, and Africa—will be formally represented in our organization. This decision reflects our …
Exam Experiences, Motivational Beliefs, and Belonging in First-Year University Physics Students: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Jessie Durk, Amy Smith, Nabihah Rahman, and Rebekah Christie For many students, particularly those studying math or science disciplines, such as physics, high-stakes written exams carry a lot of importance, not just for access and participation but also for …
Moving from “Good” to “Great” SoTL: The Importance of Describing your Research Epistemological and Ontological Traditions in your SoTL Scholarship
By Melanie Hamilton and Brett McCollum We started this conversation sitting in comfy chairs at the Banff Park Lodge during Mount Royal University’s 2022 Symposium for SoTL. For some reason over a cup of coffee, we were reflecting on how …
TLI Launches “Going Public”
TLI’s Going Public Reviews Call for Reviewers & Artefacts Teaching and Learning Inquiry would like to share a new opportunity for the SoTL community to review the diverse ways we ‘go public’ with our SoTL work. Going Public Reviews (500 …
Enhancing Trust and Embracing Vulnerability in the College Classroom: A Reflection on Ungrading and Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning
By Kristina Meinking and Eric Hall We designed the first iteration of our co-taught course “Beauty and the Brain” throughout the 2017–2018 academic year and brought to that framework an attentiveness to alternative assessment, the close ties between teaching and …
Mentoring Experiences of New Online Teachers: Voices of Graduate and Early Career Instructors
By Heather Garcia and Mary Ellen Dello Stritto Working in a centralized online learning unit at Oregon State University’s Ecampus, we partner with instructors from many different disciplines. In our roles supporting both the scholarship of online teaching and learning …
Exploring University Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge of the Power of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
By Ximena D. Burgin, Mayra C. Daniel, Sheila S. Coli, Leslie Matuszewich This research offers suggestions for helping teaching assistants (TAs) to prepare for their role in higher education. Differences in TAs’ knowledge of culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) can lead …
Artifacts of Empathy: Cultivating, Identifying, and Assessing Students’ Development and Written Articulations of Empathy in a Community Engagement Course
By Stephanie May de Montigny I began this research in the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows and Scholars Program because, while I had seen my students develop their empathy in my community engagement courses, I wanted to help them better recognize and …
Addressing Post-Truth in the Classroom
By Shan Mohammed, Quinn Grundy, Jessica Bytautas As health science educators who teach students about how broader social, political, and cultural forces shape healthcare, our research team sought to conceptualize the impact of post-truth on higher education. We characterize post-truth …
The Impact of a Metacognitive Intervention on Student Experiences and Success in an Academic Probation Program for First-Year Students
By Holly J. Swanson, Bryan Dewsbury One of the limitations of the first implementation of the Ace Your Course Challenge (AYCC) was the confounding effect of the different initial motivations of students who completed the intervention. Without being able to …
Co-Editor, Teaching & Learning Inquiry The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) invites applications for the position of co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), its open-access scholarly journal, now in its 12th year of publication …
Associate Editor, Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for an associate editor for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). This position reflects ISSOTL’s interest …
2024 Distinguished Service Award
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the DSA. This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a significant part …
Teaching & Learning Inquiry | Call for Technical Consultant
Technical Consultant, Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for a technical consultant for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). TLI has established itself as …
For a Sensitivity in Assessment Feedback
By Precious Akponah, Hela Hassen, Matthew Higgins A death threat, dispatched via email from an undergraduate student to their tutor, prompted a visit from the police to campus. The sender of the email was unhappy with their mark, and appreciating …
Is Trust Being Taken for Granted in SoTL?
By Kathryn A. Sutherland, Rachel Forsyth, and Peter Felten We became intrigued by this question during conversations in mid-2021 as part of an Elon University Center for Engaged Learning research seminar. Thrust online for the first year of the three-year …
Growing Inspiration to Work Towards Greater Transparency and Inclusion in Peer Review
By Ruth L. Healey and Alison Cook-Sather Learning is an inherently emotional experience. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) field has supported the development of intentional practices attentive to students’ emotional experiences of receiving feedback, but we do not …
Invitation to Join ISSOTL’s New Discussion Group
ISSOTL invites you to join its new discussion group, where you may post questions, responses, resources, and announcements related to SoTL or to those interested in SoTL. See below for details, including how to subscribe. ISSOTL’s Discussion Group “ISSOTL-Open-Discussion” is ISSOTL’s …
A Message from the 2024-2025 ISSOTL President
Dear ISSOTL Community, It is with great honor that I step into the role of President of ISSOTL for the upcoming year. I extend a warm welcome to Michael Rifenburg, Susannah McGown, and Sarah Langbridge as they join our dedicated …
Unlocking the Potential in a Gamification-Based MOOC: Assessing Autonomous Learning and Self-Directed Learning Behaviors
By Joko Slamet, Yazid Basthomi, Francisca Maria Ivone, Evi Eliyanah. Our exploration of gamification in massive open online courses (MOOCs) was driven by a commitment to reshape online education. This study, part of the first author’s dissertation at Universitas Negeri …
Evaluating Universal Design for Learning and Active Learning Strategies in Biology Open Educational Resources (OERs)
During the shift to emergency remote teaching, undergraduate biology instructors were challenged with the unprecedented: transitioning lab and experiential-based activities online. Given this challenge—and in a discipline where faculty are not traditionally taught how to teach online—we wanted to understand …
What Role Does Information Architecture Play in How Instructors and Students Communicate?
By Michael Lahey This publication stems from my lived experience as a degree coordinator and educator who cares about curriculum and student experiences in the classroom. I have noticed the challenges undergraduate students have adapting to classrooms where there are …
University Students’ Perceptions of a 30-Minute Break During Class: A Realistic Practice for Wellness
By Shannon Kell In the world of education, wellness is foundational to everything: our ability to teach and learn, function, meaningfully interact, balance work and life, behave appropriately, and perhaps most importantly: enjoy life and to flourish. Wellness needs to …
Preparing Educators and Students at Higher Education Institutions for an AI-Driven World
By Jamie Magrill and Barry Magrill Disruptions to higher education from the rapid emergence of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) began with concerns around misuse of GenAI and have quickly evolved into a sea-change that all of academia must grapple with, …
Adopting problem-based learning: Barriers, discomfort, and hope
Michael Wong1,2, Sarah Ali2 1 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Canada 2 Honours Health Sciences (BHSc) Program, McMaster University, Canada Email Correspondence: wongm8@mcmaster.ca Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy that facilitates learning through the process of …
Exploring Social Justice Through Art in a Community Health Nursing Course
By Aliyah Dosani, Jocelyn Lehman and Alexander Cuncannon Our research team had a shared interest in the potential for arts-based activities to enrich social justice learning. A shift to online delivery of courses added incentive to enhance engagement in learning …
The Value of Outside Perspectives When Teaching Cognitive Psychology and Social Sciences
By Jens Koed Madsen, Andreia Cury Fernandes, and Nicole Lauren George We are keen on thinking creatively about the coherence and relevance of the undergraduate degree in psychological and behavioural science (PBS) at London School of Economics. This includes building …
The Impacts of an Academic Intervention Based in Metacognition on Academic Performance
By Holly J. Swanson As lead author, I returned to earn my doctorate after teaching high school science for a decade. I felt a need to learn how to properly assess all the amazing activities I was designing for my …
Innovating Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Exploring the Impact of a Grassroots Community of Practice
By Maria Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez, Caitlin Mandeville, Ferne Edwards, Paula Rice Our paper, “Innovating Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education,” raises pertinent issues of how colleagues and students can collaborate across disciplines to overcome sustainability problems. The paper reflects on our experiences …
Call for Poster Submissions: Transform Your ISSOTL Conference Poster into a TLI Publication
By Kris Knorr Are you still buzzing with excitement from the 2023 ISSOTL conference in Utrecht? Did your poster presentation spark engaging discussions and insights? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you to take your poster presentation to …
2024 Emerging Scholars Fund
ISSOTL’s goal is to “foster inquiry and disseminate findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching.” We recognize the importance of engaging emerging scholars who are interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning. We are dedicated to supporting this …
Participatory and Place-Based Socioeconomic Knowledge Generation: An Experience in Community-Based Research Pedagogy
By Jessica Palka This article recounts the benefits, challenges, and insights gained in initiating a learning collaboration between students and practitioners concerning a real-world socioeconomic challenge. The students learned how to develop a research proposal consistent with the principles, politics, …
Defining Immersive Learning
By Phillip Motley, Beth Archer-Kuhn, Catharine Dishke Hondzel, Jennifer Dobbs-Oates, Michelle Eady, Janel Seeley, Rosemary Tyrrell As part of my teaching responsibilities at Elon University, I have taught a global service learning course many times. The students who take this …
Using Infographics to Go Public with SoTL
By Bryn Keogh, Lorelli Nowell, Eleftheria Laios, Lisa McKendrick-Calder, Whitney Lucas Molitor, Kerry Wilbur The 2022 International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG-22) of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), brought us, a group of interdisciplinary healthcare …
Online Webinar | May 23, 2024
Publishing SoTL: A Conversation with Teaching & Learning Inquiry Editors Date: May 23, 2024 – 15.00 GMT/16.00 CET This webinar focuses on publishing in SoTL, including promoting an inclusive understanding of SoTL across disciplines and methodologies. It is open to …
Developing a Proposal for ISSOTL24
On March 20, 2024, the ISSOTL Convenings Committee and the ISSOTL Student Engagement and Co-Inquiry Interest Group jointly hosted two sessions to provide advice on developing a proposal for ISSOTL’s annual conference. The recording of the initial information-sharing portion of …
Call for ICWG24 Group Participants
This year marks the 20th anniversary of ISSOTL. The 2024 cohort of International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWG) will focus on the conference theme of “Reflecting and Reinvigorating: The Past, Present, and Future of ISSOTL” and invites participants to explore who …
From Inquiry to Wisdom: Lessons Learned in Our SoTL Inquiry
By Lu Kehan, Amrita Kaur, Zhou Yu, He Yuzhen, Huang Yuchong, Zhan Yinuo, Mohammad Noman The two faculty authors of the publication “Seat Selection as a Function of Cultural and Individual Differences: Insights from Undergraduate Students in China” take pride …
Complex Challenges, Evolving Solutions: Iterative Course Development
By Gail Matthews-DeNatale, Laurie Poklop, Rachel Plews, and Mary English Complex challenges often require unique solutions that evolve over time. In the spring of 2020, a group of learning scientists from Northeastern University’s Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through …
ISSOTL26 | Expression of Interest
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the ISSOTL Annual Conference in 2026. ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. …
Interested in Tackling the Grand Challenges for SoTL? Join the New Interest Group
by Lauren Scharff, Grand Challenges for SoTL Interest Group Chair A new ISSOTL Interest Group has been formed to address the Grand Challenges for SoTL and now invites ISSOTL members to join. This Interest Group will have plenty of opportunities …
Design Thinking in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Decolonized Learning
By Danielle Lake, Wen Guo, Elizabeth Chen, Jacqui McLaughlin In this article, we embark on a journey to better understand the role of design thinking (DT) in higher education. Our comprehensive study, which employed a mixed-methods approach, engaged faculty and …
Ungrading: What do Students Think?
By Amy A. Hasinoff, Wendy Bolyard, Dennis DeBay, Joanna C. Dunlap, Annika C. Mosier, Elizabeth Pugliano For many students and instructors, grades are the most daunting aspect of the learning process. As instructors, it’s evident to us that grades can …
Why Higher Education Faculty Should Consider Integrating Authentic Audiences in Their Courses
By Erica R. Hamilton, Mihyun Han As long-time educators committed to supporting undergraduate students’ learning and engagement, we look for ways to connect our students’ learning with the “real world.” Through this search, we sought to explore the use of …
Whose Knowledge is it Anyway? Epistemic Injustice and the Supervisor/Supervisee Relationship
By Katy Dineen, Sarah Thelen, Anna Santucci In the mythical story The Salmon of Knowledge Fionn overcomes traditional hierarchies (albeit accidentally!) to gain knowledge. This legend has long been an important part of the Centre for the Integration of Research, …
Call for Facilitators for the ICWG24 Cohort: The Past, Present, & Future of ISSOTL
ISSOTL has selected Jennifer Friberg, Claire Saunders, and Mandy Frake-Mistak as the Co-Leaders for the 2024 cohort of International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWG), which will focus on the conference theme “Reflecting and Reinvigorating: The Past, Present, and Future of ISSOTL.” …
Meet the Teaching & Learning Inquiry Editorial Team
The ISSOTL Publications Committee is pleased to welcome Teaching & Learning Inquiry’s new Editorial Team members (2024-2027). Earle Abrahamson (UK) has been selected as the incoming co-editor. Helga Dorner (HU), Jill McSweeney (US), and Kris Knorr (CA) join the team …
“Design Justice” and the Textures of Transformation at ISSOTL23
By Matthew Wingfield. Stellenbosch University. Mattwingfield5@gmail.com, Mukisa Mujulizi. Co-Director, Cape Town Design Nerds. mukisa@designnerds.org, Marco Adamovic, University of Toronto (Hart House). marco.adamovic@utoronto.ca, Jesi Carson. Director, Vancouver Design Nerds. Jesicarson@gmail.com What exactly is student transformation? Can we realistically position our academic courses …
Visualizing SoTL: Images from a Train Station
By Laura Cruz and Jacob Kelley Imagine that you are sitting in a train car and a stranger asks you to describe the scholarship of teaching and learning. This premise may sound far-fetched, but this really happened to approximately two …
Promoting the Grand Challenges for SoTL through Your Institution or Organization
ISSOTL encourages members (and SoTL scholars and supporters more broadly) to share interest in and attention to the Grand Challenges for SoTL. The “Grand Challenges for SoTL in Action” page lists some strategies. One example is happening through ISEEC — or the …
A Case Study on the Value of Humanities-Based Analysis, Modes of Presentation, and Study Designs for SoTL: Close Reading Students’ Pre-Surveys on Gender-Inclusive Language
By Sarah Copland In the late 2010s, while teaching first-year writing amidst widespread media attention to the singular “they,” I wondered what and where my students had already learned about this gender-inclusive pronoun. And so my SoTL study was born: …
A Collaboratively Designed Course: Student Perceptions, Challenges, and a Critical Reflection
By Meghan Owenz The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed teaching and learning all over the world, at least temporarily. As someone who does research with students with disabilities, it was my belief that some of those changes helped some students and …
ISSOTL 2024 Election
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s representatives establish new …
“Getting it Write” | Reflections on Co-leading the 2023 ISSOTL International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs)
By Earle Abrahamson, Professor of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, University of Hertfordshire, UK Embarking on a journey of collaborative writing is not merely about producing scholarly articles—it’s about forging connections, fostering communities, and navigating the intricate landscapes of …
I Appreciate You: A Spectral Reading of SoTL during COVID-19
By Laura Facciolo This work is borne out of loss. When I started writing, I actually imagined it as a eulogy, of sorts. But perhaps I didn’t understand all that a eulogy can offer: not just a farewell to the …
Call for Co-Leaders: International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs) 2024
Co-Leaders’ Roles and Responsibilities Co-leaders will organize this ISSOTL ICWG cohort to meet the aims and deadlines of the project. Partnering with the ISSOTL ICWG Emergent Working Group that envisioned this emergent opportunity for 2024, the co-leaders will take the lead …
2023 Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award
Ingie Hovland is the recipient of the of the 2023 Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award. Her anonymous review for Teaching & Learning Inquiry was one of four nominated reviews, and was finally selected as the recipient of this year’s award by a committee …
Failures in SoTL
At ISSOTL22 in Kelowna, we shared the notion that, although many SoTL projects are designed to demonstrate “what works,” there is much to learn about what doesn’t work and other forms of failure in SoTL. Participants in the standing-room-only room …
Grand Challenges for SoTL
SoTL’s Grand Challenges were determined following five years of global outreach, including three anonymous international surveys with thematic analyses, a Delphi process that provided feedback from twelve global SoTL experts on a group of eleven possible grand challenges, and a …
POSTER | Journal Club: An Innovative Teaching Practice to Foster Peer Connection and Enhance Information Literacy Skills
Post-secondary educators help students develop foundational skills needed for academicand career success. This includes fostering the information literacy (IL) skills, such ascritical reading, evidence gathering, and knowledge synthesis, needed for students toparticipate in scholarly and disciplinary conversations. Most post-secondary educators …
POSTER | My Transformative Research Journey with SoTL
By Ekua Mensimah Thompson Kwaffo Partaking in SoTL-related research grants me the privilege to contribute to the collectiveknowledge of humanity. In this blog, I reflect on my journey into the world of Scholarship ofTeaching and Learning (SoTL) and what this …
POSTER | Embracing SoTL in Human Movement Sciences: A Collaborative Journey
As educators within Human Movement Sciences (HMS) at a South African tertiary institution, there’s a distinct set of challenges and opportunities as we shape the trajectory of this dynamic discipline. Our journey to craft an impactful poster, “SoTL in Human …
Technical Consultant, Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for a technical consultant for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). TLI has established itself as …
Navigating Between the Scylla and Charybdis: SoTL as its Own Kind of Inquiry
By Jennifer Löfgreen Like most of us in SoTL, I came to the field with research training from a discipline. Mydiscipline was chemistry. I was trained to produce new knowledge using controlled systems inwhich I could design and run experiments, …
Experiences with Supporting Teachers with Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at a Research-Intensive University: Lessons Learned
By Irma Meijerman, Femke Kirschner and Frans Prins Many faculty members struggle with how to start with SoTL, especially at research-intensive universities. What challenges do they face? What hurdles are there to be taken?But mainly, how can we support those …
SoTL in South Africa: Emergence, Evolution, Possibilities
By Xena Cupido1, Kibashni Naidoo2, Nalini Chitanand3, Jo-Anne Vorster4 1Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2University of Johannesburg 3Durban University of Technology 4Rhodes University Emergence and growth South Africa has a rich history with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), ranging …
Using Scenarios to Explore the Tone, Language and Behaviors of Student-Faculty Partnership
By Cherie Woolmer, Nattalia Godbold, Isabel Treanor, Natalie McCray, Ketevan Kupatadze, Peter Felten and Catherine Bovill As a group of students and faculty, we wanted to explore the real experiences of what it’s liketo “do” partnership, which pushed beyond some …
Defining Active Learning: A Restricted Systematic Review
By Peter Doolittle, Krista Wojdak and Amanda Walters Active learning has become the sine qua non of quality higher education pedagogy. If one’steaching fosters active learning, then all is well . . . sort of . . . potentially . …
Co-Editor, Teaching & Learning Inquiry The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) invites applications for the position of co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), its open access scholarly journal, now in its 11th year of …
Associate Editor, Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for an associate editor for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). This position reflects the Society’s …
Congratulating the 2023 Recipients of the Emerging Scholars Fund
ISSOTL’s goal is to “foster inquiry and disseminate findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching”. We recognize the importance of engaging emerging scholars who are interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning. We are dedicated to …
Critical Reading Isn’t Inherently Liberatory
By Paul T. Corrigan I’ve often thought that critical reading was more or less inherently liberatory—inherently poised to push readers toward freedom from oppressive ideas and structures like racism. How, for example, can readers give a text like The Narrative …
50-Minute Epiphany
By Emily Russell, Nolan Kline, Amy I. McClure, Steven W. Schoen and Nancy L. Chick As college instructors who frequently teach contentious topics, we have seen firsthand how an increasingly polarized global climate has powerful and competing effects on classrooms. …
Building Trust in the Classroom: A Conceptual Model for Teachers, Scholars, and Academic Developers in Higher Education
By Peter Felten, Rachel Forsyth and Kathryn A. Sutherland Trust is an important aspect of teaching and learning. It can positively–and negatively—affect the ways that students interact with teachers, with each other, and with knowledge. Yet the moves that teachers …
Soaring Beyond Boundaries: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Community-Led Research
By Michelle J. Eady and J. Michael Rifenburg In academia, a captivating narrative of research emerges—one that breaks free from conventional confines and reaches for the skies. Inspired by Margaret Kovach’s keynote address at the 2022 ISSOTL conference in Kelowna, …
A Didactics of Cultural Readings
By Mikkel Jensen Introducing first-year university students to any discipline requires that teachers unpack many of the underlying ideas that shape their field. This is relevant when teaching students how to use a scholarly field’s concepts and approaches, but it …
Announcement | 2023 ISSOTL Board Members
ISSOTL is excited to announce the newly elected members who will be joining the Board in July 2023: Melanie Hamilton, President-Elect, Canada Nancy Chick, Secretary/Historian, United States Holly Capocchiano, Student Vice-President, Australia Karena Waller, Asia-Pacific Vice-President, Australia Amy De Jaeger, …
Participation in Higher Education Classroom Discussions: How Students’ Identities Influence Perspective Taking and Engagement
By Crystena Parker-Shandal As a university educator for the past 15 years, I have witnessed two common themes: students across multiple identities tend to avoid classroom discussions that engage with conflictual perspectives, and instructors often shy away from exploring controversies. …
Challenges of Shaping Student Study Strategies for Success: Replication and Extension
By Trent W. Maurer and Emily Cabay Many students enter postsecondary education without effective study skills. What can instructors do to teach and to help motivate students to learn new study techniques? These are some of the questions we hoped …
2023 ISSOTL Election | Board of Directors
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s representatives establish new directions for this …
Finding the Public in our Public SoTL
By Eleftheria Laios (Queen’s University), Lisa McKendrick-Calder (MacEwan University), Bryn Keogh (University of Calgary), Whitney Lucas Molitor (University of South Dakota), Lorelli Nowell (University of Calgary), Kerry Wilbur (University of British Columbia) Our five-membered group came together after each of …
Teaching the Inevitable: Embracing a Pedagogy of Failure
By Lydia E. Eckstein, Amelia B. Finaret and Lisa B. Whitenack This paper began in 2018 with the realization that all three of us were thinking about productive failure and incorporating different pedagogical strategies in our classrooms around this idea. …
Discussing Identities and Building Relationships: From Students to Colleagues
By Ashton Croft and Caroline Glover Our research highlights the importance of sharing and discussing identities in the classroom in order to build positive connections between faculty and college students. In fact, these types of practices brought our research team …
2023 Emerging Scholars Fund
ISSOTL’s goal is to “foster inquiry and disseminate findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching.” We recognize the importance of engaging emerging scholars who are interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning. We are dedicated to supporting this …
Scientist-Educators Develop and Assess Respect for Human Dignity: Our Ten-Year Journey and Invitation
By Lauren F. V. Scharff and Michelle A. Butler Samuels Michelle and I embarked on a journey of discovery scholarship more than a decade ago. Our areas of disciplinary expertise focus on brain science and perception, but we stretched our …
The Good, the Bad, and the Pandemic: An Intra-Group Approach to Exploring Students’ Experiences with Collaborative Learning During COVID-19
By Ella Anghel When the restrictions posed by the pandemic were slowly lifted in 2021, I was teaching an almost entirely online class at a private university in the U.S. This was my second semester teaching, and feedback from students …
Reimagining the 4M Framework in Educational Development for SoTL
By Mandy Frake-Mistak, Jennifer Friberg and Melanie Hamilton As a triad of educational developers who just happen to be beyond passionate about SoTL, we’ve engaged in numerous conversations over the years. These conversations are largely centred around framing what we …
Incorporating Arts-Based Pedagogy: Moving Beyond Traditional Approaches to Teaching Qualitative Research
By Rhia Moreno, Kate Hobgood Guthrie, Katie Strickland As three educators teaching in diverse spaces (an assistant professor from a public university, an assistant professor from a private university, and a public elementary school teacher), this reflective narrative highlights our …
ISSOTL Distinguish Service Awards (DSA) | Call for Nominations
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the DSA. This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a significant part …
SoTL: The Next AI Generation
By Earle Abrahamson Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity both abbreviated to AI, have recently become synonymous with modern higher education learning. The discovery of ChatGPT as a tool to creatively generate text has led the HE sector, into a search …
Students’ Views on the Nature of Science in an Interdisciplinary First-Year Science Program: Content Analysis of a Weekly Reflection Activity
By Nolan N. Bett, Costanza Piccolo, Nathan D. Roberson, A. James Charbonneau and Christopher J. Addison Teaching undergraduate students what science is and how it operates is not a simple task. At the post-secondary level, science courses typically focus on …
A Constellation Model for Mentoring Undergraduates During COVID-19
By Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Jessie L. Moore and Amy Allocco How did the COVID-19 pandemic change mentoring relationships on college campuses? Given the value placed on mentoring on our campus, we conducted a multi-method study to examine faculty, staff, and students’ …
“A Group of People to Lean On and Learn From”: Graduate Teaching Assistant Experiences in a Pedagogy-Focused Community of Practice
By Joy Camarao and Cari Din Our study is part of a larger, three-year SoTL reform project aimed at enriching teaching and learning in laboratory-based exercise physiology courses. We set out to understand how science graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) teaching …
Call for Participants for 2023 International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWG)
Applications are due March 24, 2023. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) invites applications for group participants for the Academic track of its International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG) initiative. Read more about this track on ISSOTL’s …
Learning Design Reconsidered with AI Educational Companionship
By Chwen Jen CHEN (cjchen@unimas.my) & Chee Siong TEH (csteh@unimas.my), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak With the emergence of generative AI chatbots, a new wave of technological disruption is revolutionizing education. Generative AI chatbots are gaining rapid popularity in education due to …
The Morphology of the SoTL Article
By Faye Halpern The immediate occasion for “The Morphology of the SoTL Article” was my curiosity about why, when I listen to many people in a row give talks about teaching and learning, I often feel dispirited. It was perplexing …
Adjusting Class Policies Amid a Pandemic: How Lessons Learned During COVID-19 Can Help Faculty Prepare for Other Institution-Wide Crises
By Ellen M. Whitehead Amidst the many challenges to higher education wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, I began to wrestle with one question in particular: How lenient should I be with my students in terms of deadlines and other class …
Creating Effective Classroom Learning Experiences in University
By Dr. Radhika Jaidev, Centre for Communication Skills, Singapore Institute of Technology I teach at a university in Singapore that brands itself as a university of applied learning and research. The university offers undergraduate degree programmes in engineering, food sciences, …
2023 Call for Nominations
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s representatives establish new …
EdVee: A Visual Diagnostic and Course Design Tool for Constructive Alignment
By Dan Trowsdale and Alison McKay A few years ago, we became interested in how design and engineering processes might be applied in the creation of new course designs. At that time, we were both involved in the development of …
Searching and Reviewing the Literature on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): An Academic Literacies Perspective Parts 1 & 2
By Mick Healey and Ruth L. Healey “I can’t tell you how much I love this article! What a wonderful combination of pragmatic guidance and thoughtful argumentation about the SoTL lit review/search.” Nancy Chick, 20 March 2022, former editor of TLI …
A Pedagogy of Slow: Integrating Experiences of Physical and Virtual Gallery Spaces to Foster Critical Engagement in SoTL
By Briony Supple and James G.R. Cronin Carl Honoré coined the term “the slow movement” back in 2005; the antithesis, he argued, of all that is modern: fast-food, fast-information, fast-fashion, and so on. Honore’s argument is that this fast way …
Emotions Experienced by Instructors Delivering Written Feedback and Dialogic Feed-Forward
By Jennifer Hill, Kathy Berlin, Julia Choate, Lisa Cravens-Brown, Lisa McKendrick-Calder, Susan Smith The research presented in this paper emerged from the 2019 ISSOTL International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG) initiative that took place in Atlanta, USA. ICWGs bring together faculty, …
Beyond the SoTL Silo
By Earle Abrahamson, University of Hertfordshire The practice of SoTL can, at times, appear to unfold in isolation. There is a covert silence that punctuates many SoTL landscapes. This occurs potentially due to fear of identifying with SoTL, distraction from …
Call for International Collaborative Writing Group Leaders 2023
Due to issues with the original form, we have extended the deadline until February 17, 2023. We especially welcome applications from candidates outside of North America because we hope to have group leaders from a range of ISSOTL regions. We …
International Collaborative Writing Groups and Public SoTL
By Henk Huijser (Queensland University of Technology – h.huijser@qut.edu.au), Janel Seeley (University of Wyoming) & James Cronin (University College Cork) Inspired by a keynote by Nancy Chick at the 2019 ISSOTL Conference, where she called for us to find more …
Exploring Students’ Online Learning Interaction Behaviors and Experiences: A Case Study
By Chwen Jen Chen and Chee Siong Teh In response to the Covid-19 crisis, many countries, including Malaysia, have resorted to online learning. As instructors of a public university in Malaysia, we experienced the sudden loss of physical interaction opportunities …
Fostering Active Learning in an Interactive Joint Classroom: A Case Study
By Stefanie Griebel, Angelika Thielsch, Paul Gibson, Tanja Reiffenrath, Timothy Beissinger and Albert Chiteka The igniting idea “Let’s develop a class together once we are back at home” came up while being international graduate students, from Germany and Uganda, at …
2022 Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award
Daniel Guberman is the recipient of the 2022 Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award. His anonymous review for Teaching & Learning Inquiry was one of four nominated reviews, and was finally selected as the recipient of this year’s award by a …
BLOG: Sense of Place and Belonging: Lessons from the Pandemic
By Linda Adler-Kassner, Margarita Safronova, Yasmine Dominguez-Whitehead, Karen Gonzalez, Stephanie Nguyen, and Malaphone Phommasa How did students who expected to start college in person find a sense of place and belonging when their college careers began online during the pandemic? …
BLOG: Instructor Perception of Incorporating Active Learning in College of Agriculture Classrooms
By Elizabeth Karcher, Daniel Guberman, Emily Bonem and John Lumkes If you knew something was going to have a tremendous impact on your students, would you do it? Can you imagine a classroom where students are engaged with the material, …
Learning Motivation of University Students in Online- and Classroom Teaching: Insights from Teaching during Covid-19
By Kristof Tomej There is a general recognition that learning motivation in an online classroom is quite different than in a traditional classroom. But in order to promote a more comprehensive and evidence-based use of online tools in higher education, …
Faculty and Student Partnership in SoTL: A Case Study of an Institutional Model
By Bruce Moghtader, Adriana Briseño-Garzón, and Trish Varao-Sousa One of the key challenges facing institutional adoption of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) is creating infrastructure for faculty to methodically inquire into their teaching practices. In our paper, “Faculty and …
Call for Expression of Interest to Host ISSOTL 2025 Conference
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the ISSOTL Annual Conference in 2025. ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. …
Call for Co-Leaders | International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs) Academic Track 2023
Structured as intentional collaborations that bring together ISSOTL members of all ranks and regions in focused inquiry, International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs) embody both the spirit and the work of ISSOTL. The 2023 ISSOTL ICWG-Academic Track will spotlight the multidisciplinary …
BLOG: Student Perception of a Visual Novel for Fostering Science Process Skills
By Michael Wong The inspiration for this project stemmed from the countless conversations we had with instructors about how we might make learning science process skills more engaging for students. To our dismay, we learned that many educators struggled with …
BLOG: Authenticity and Psychological Safety: Building and Encouraging Talent Among Underrepresented Students in STEM
By Daphne E. Pedersen, Alena Kubátová, and Rebecca Simmons Despite the attention to increasing DEI in STEM fields, there has been little change in the number of degrees awarded to members of underrepresented groups (e.g., women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals). …
Introduction to a High Achievers Recognition Scheme
By Dr. Juliette Gaunt, Birmingham City University, Juliette.Gaunt@bcu.ac.uk and Professor Mark O’Hara, Aston University This article presents findings from a small-scale qualitative evaluation of student perceptions of a High Achievers’ Recognition Scheme in a faculty within a UK university. This …
BLOG: Navigating Challenges and Teaching Through Lived Experiences as Graduate Student Instructors
By Marisa V. Cervantes & Alana R. Inlow Our work on this paper started with a hallway conversation about the frustrations we were facing as graduate student instructors (GSI) and the lack of support for inclusive, anti-racist teaching practices. We …
The Importance of Ending Well: Leveraging Participatory Co-Design in a Virtual Last Class Workshop
By Erin B. Styles, University of Toronto (erin.styles@utoronto.ca) and Elizabeth J. Polvi, University of Calgary (elizabeth.polvi@ucalgary.ca) Recognizing that the last session of class at the end of the term is often not very materially productive, we have searched for a …
Blog: Metacognition in Teaching: Using A “Rapid Responses to Learning” Process to Reflect on and Improve Pedagogy
By Susan Cox, Kate Jongbloed, and Charlyn Black Have you ever finished teaching a class and wondered what students “took away” in terms of their learning? And whether your pedagogic approach was effective? These questions were the stimulus for our …
By Melissa Hills, MacEwan University, Melissa.Hills@MacEwan.ca and Kim Peacock, NorQuest College, Kim.Peacock@NorQuest.ca We define flexible deadline policies as those that allow all students in a course some degree of freedom over when they submit an assignment, without consequences that could …
Blog: Benefits of Community: Students-as-Partners Work by an Undergraduate Student, a Graduate Student, and a Faculty Member
By Anna Piotti, Elizabeth DeFelice, and Carrie Jackson The Pennsylvania State University It was the end of a Zoom meeting, at the end of a long day, in the middle of the very challenging Fall 2020 semester when Elizabeth sighed, …
Valuing SoTL Within an Institutional Context
By Ann M. Gansemer-Topf, Sara Marcketti, Paul Hengesteg, and Steven A. Freeman In Spring 2019, I had the opportunity to coordinate the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Scholars program at Iowa State University. The program was a cohort-based program …
The People Behind the Publications: Reflections on a Decade of Reviews
By Earle D. Abrahamson Teaching and Learning Inquiry (TLI) has become synonymous with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), as a vehicle to inspire discussion, publish meaningful research, and enable contribution to SoTL debates. In their inaugural edition of …
2022 Emerging Scholars Fund
The Emerging Scholars Fund invites currently registered post-secondary students to apply for a conference fee waiver to attend the ISSOTL conference. Successful applicants will share in the ISSOTL discourse by actively participating in the conference activities. This includes attending the …
Letting Go of Grades: Creating an Environment of Autonomy and a Focus on Learning for High Achieving Students
By Eric Hall and Kristina Meinking In our essay, we explore how a group of high-achieving students described their experience of a course that featured a variation of ungrading. Our journey to this project was long and winding. Born from …
Using Inquiry to Transfer My Teaching Practices to Higher Education and Teacher Preparation
By Brianna L. Kennedy, PhD As a former secondary school teacher and current teacher educator and teacher in higher education, I place a high value on teaching well. I have learned many things about teaching over the years, through both …
Dialogic Feed-Forward in Assessment: Pivotal to Learning but not Unproblematic
By Jennifer Hill and Harry West It is fair to say that the pedagogic inquiry leading to our paper in TLI has been eye-opening and transformative for our educational practice. Our initial aim was to improve the performance of students …
“Great Introspections”
By Gary Poole and Nancy Chick As Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI) celebrates its 10-year anniversary, we have enjoyed reminiscing on the early days, including those before ISSOTL decided to sponsor a journal. We recall, for example, lively discussions on …
Information Literacy & Interest – Keeping Undergraduates Using IL Skills
By Karen Sobel, EdD The research project behind “Motivating Factors for the Transfer of Information Literacy Skills among Undergraduates” had several…motivating factors…behind it. When I began the study, I had worked as an instruction librarian for over 10 years and …
Do Young People Really Know How to Collaborate for Common Success?
The teaching staff of the University Europea del Atlantico, UNEATLANTICO, located in Spain, applies intensively innovative pedagogical techniques that make classes more dynamic. These techniques enhance learning not only of technical knowledge but also of transversal skills, which are in …
Jennifer Löfgreen and Chris Ostrowdun Selected as Associate Editors of TLI
The ISSOTL Publications Committee is pleased to announce that Jennifer Löfgreen and Chris Ostrowdun have been selected as associate editors of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). Their three-year terms begin June 1st. Associate editors work closely with the editorial team …
A Blog by Bruce Gillespie
The inspiration for this project was a long-standing challenge I encountered while teaching a first-year introduction to reporting and writing class in my Digital Media and Journalism program: while students were excited to learn the skills of a journalist, such …
Join us in Kelowna
Join us for ISSOTL 2022 in the beautiful Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada. Let's take a look at some of the highlights the city of Kelowna can offer you - just outside your conference door.
Increasing Accessibility to Academic Support in Higher Education for Diverse Student Cohorts
We are a Learning Advisor and Associate Professor of Psychology at James Cook University, Australia, and we strongly support widening participation in higher education and providing access to high quality education for students from diverse backgrounds. Widening participation challenges universities …
When we attend ISSOTL, we meet at the crossroads of our ways of teaching and inquiry. At this interaction of disciplines, we find valuable opportunities to learn from each other’s teaching and research and the potential to further learning. At …
Empowering the Next Generation in a Globalising World
Our societies are transforming into multicultural hubs as the work field is globalising and as migration is on the rise. Meanwhile all human beings are confronted by multiple global crises that impact daily life and that require cooperation at a …
ISSOTL 2019 Fellows Spotlight – Ruth Healey
Ruth HealeyAssociate ProfessorUniversity of ChesterUnited Kingdom What drew you to SoTL? I was drawn to SoTL for 3 main reasons: 1) Fundamentally, I want to make a difference. In the context in which I work I feel that the most …
Decoding the Disciplines as a Pedagogy of Teacher Education
By: Jared McBrady It all started at ISSOTL19 in Atlanta. I attended knowing that I would be teaching a course on SoTL to secondary history teacher candidates the following semester. I knew I wanted to do something with those teacher …
Interest Groups: ISSOTL in Action
One of the greatest benefits of being an ISSOTL member is its Interest Groups. These are member-organized and member-led groups focused a shared interest, such as a disciplinary group (history, arts & humanities, sociology), a specific population (students, teaching award …
Try it Out! TLI Translations Through Google Chrome Extension
by S. Raj Chaudhury, President-Elect ISSOTL, University of South Alabama Despite being an international society, we are very conscious of the role that the English language plays in the various communication channels of ISSOTL. For some cultures and countries, access …
TLI Associate Editor – Call for Applications
Associate Editor, Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Applications due April 1, 2022 The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for an associate editor for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). …
Call for Group Members for 2022 International Collaborative Writing Groups
Applications are due March 1, 2022. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) invites applications for group members for the inaugural cohort of its public SoTL track of its International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG) initiative. ISSOTL …
2022 Call for Nominations
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s representatives establish new directions for this …
Extended Invitations from the 2022 ICWG-Public Group Facilitators
The 2022 ICWG-Public Co-Leaders have selected four public SoTL projects and the facilitators who proposed them, and have now distributed their Call for Applications for Group Members. To learn more about these projects and the facilitators, see the full descriptions …
ISSOTL 2019 Fellows Spotlight – Anita Acai
Anita AcaiAssistant Professor & Education ScientistMcMaster UniversityCanada What drew you to SoTL? My engagement in SoTL began while I was an undergraduate student in biochemistry. I was nearly done with my degree, yet I had grown increasingly uncertain that I …
Student and Faculty Interpretations of Institutional Websites’ Messaging of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
By Joanna Rankin and Andrew Pearl Globally, there is increasing pressure on colleges and universities to publicly affirm their commitments to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). We chose to look at websites for this research project as they are a …
Promoting Critical Thinking and Learning in a Large-Enrolment Humanities Course: A Case Study
By Kiruthika RAGUPATHI, Zi Hui YEO, Hui Chieh LOYNational University of Singapore In this blog post, we reflect on what led us to embark on this SoTL project, why we care about this work, and what we want others to …
Blog by Brit Paris
Feedback is something we’ve all had experience with – whether good or bad! The research tells us that feedback can be transformational and improve learning outcomes, but in reality, that isn’t always the case. I’m sure we all have stories …
Audience Matters
Dr Niall Majury, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast “Whatever you say, say nothing” goes the title of a poem by Seamus Heaney (1975). For Heaney, like myself, awareness of audience mattered in negotiating the day-to-day in …
Ghazi Ghaith and Ghada Awada Blog
My colleague, Ghada Awada, and I share similar educational philosophies. We believe that people learn best when actively engaged in their own learning. We also value the provision of personal and academic support from teachers and peers in order to …
A Recipe for Growth: The Undergraduate Thesis and Students’ Self-efficacy Beliefs
By Rosalind Bucy, Research & Instruction Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno The other night, I embarked on a new and somewhat daunting task: cooking dinner. I cook dinner a lot, but this was a new recipe. The New York Times …
ISSOTL 2019 Fellows Spotlight – Nachamma Sockalingam
Nachamma SockalingamFounding Program Director of Learning Sciences LabSingapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)Singapore What drew you to SoTL? I think it was a slow and progressive process that evolved over time. It was a mix of self characteristics and …
The Inaugural Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award
Lauren Scharff (United States Air Force Academy, USA) and Jonathan Mark Gallimore (University of Wisconsin, USA) are the recipients of the inaugural Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award. Their anonymous reviews were nominated by an author whose manuscript was submitted to …
ICWG Impact: More than Just a Writing Project
ISSOTL’s International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWG) Initiative brings together academics, professional staff, and students to co-author works on topics of shared interest related to SoTL. Specifically, ISSOTL supports both an Academic track and a Public track of ICWGs: In ICWG-Academic …
Imagining Public SoTL
by Nancy Chick (Rollins College, USA) & Jennifer Friberg (Illinois State University, USA) As last month’s Call for Facilitators relaunched ISSOTL’s International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG) initiative with the Public SoTL track, we want to share a couple of resources …
ISSOTL 2019 Fellows Spotlight – Earle Abrahamson
Earle AbrahamsonAssociate ProfessorUniversity of East LondonUnited Kingdom What drew you to SoTL? I became aware of SoTL when a colleague was unable to attend the 2008 ISSOTL conferences and I was asked to attend in his place. At this conference …
Host 2023 ISSOTL Conference | Expression of Interest
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the ISSOTL Annual Conference in 2023. ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. …
2020-2021 ISSOTL Annual Report
The 2020-2021 ISSOTL Annual Report is now available! Click the link below to view and/or download. Download the 2020–2021 ISSOTL Annual Report
Call for Facilitators for the Public SoTL ICWGs (ICWG-Public)
ISSOTL invites applications for facilitators for the inaugural cohort of its public SoTL track of its International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG) initiative. Applications are due January 15, 2022. In her closing keynote at the 2019 ISSOTL conference, Nancy Chick (then ISSOTL …
TLI Content Updates
During ISSOTL21, Teaching & Learning Inquiry debuted a new video showcasing the work of the journal. You can access the video here and learn more about the flagship journal of ISSOTL. Are you interested in becoming a reviewer for Teaching …
ISSOTL 2020 Fellows Spotlight – Jane Pritchard
Dr. Jane Pritchard, NTF, SFHEAHead of Educational DevelopmentUniversity of OxfordUnited Kingdom What drew you to SoTL? I first encountered SoTL when working at the University of Glasgow in 2004. We were looking at how to support academic staff on a …
TLI Associate Editor – Call for Applications
The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for an associate editor for Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (TLI). This position reflects the Society’s interest in maintaining a sustainable editorial …
ISSOTL seeks applications for TLI copy editor
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) seeks an experienced copy editor for the Society’s journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). In this role, the individual will: Review authors’ final drafts to ensure they are free …
ISSOTL Fellows Program: Call for Co-Facilitators
The ISSOTL Board of Directors is now accepting applications for four Co-Facilitators of the ISSOTL Fellows Program. ISSOTL Fellows Co-Facilitators will support the logistical and intellectual work of the two current cohorts of ISSOTL Fellows — the 2019 ISSOTL Fellows …
ISSOTL 2020 Fellows Spotlight – Pat Maher
Pat MaherDean of Teaching and Professor of Physical and Health EducationNipissing UniversityCanada What drew you to SoTL? I’m not exactly sure what drew me to SoTL; I sort of feel like I was always there. Since I was an undergraduate …
Call for Applications for an Associate Editor
The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for an associate editor for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI): The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. This position reflects the Society’s interest in maintaining a sustainable editorial …
ISSOTL 2020 Fellows Spotlight – Marian McCarthy
Dr. Marian McCarthyAdjunct Senior Lecturer in Education; Retired Vice President for Teaching and Learning and former Director of the Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL)University College Cork (UCC)IrelandISSOTL Region — Europe What drew you to SoTL? …
ISSOTL Fellows 2020 Spotlight – Hasitha Mahabaduge
Hasitha MahabadugeAssistant Professor of PhysicsGeorgia College and State UniversityUSAISSOTL Region — US What drew you to SoTL? Before I joined Georgia College and State University (GC) as an assistant professor of Physics in Spring 2016, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher …
ISSOTL 2021 Elections
ISSOTL 2021 Elections The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s …
ISSOTL Fellows 2020 Spotlight – Amrita Kaur
Amrita KaurAssistant Professor of PsychologyWenzhou-Kean UniversityChinaISSOTL Region — Asia Pacific What drew you to SoTL? The SoTL process which is rooted in reflection, systematic inquiry, and encourages mindfulness for teaching and learning is one key reason I began to value SoTL. …
ISSOTL Connect Cluster 1: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice in and through SoTL
ISSOTL Connect’s first Cluster will be made available on Wednesday, February 24th at 12 noon EST / 5pm GMT and Thursday, February 25th at 1am SGT/AWST. You’ll find the full playlist on ISSOTL’s YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCfU09hxlsmR20CXRb9gelKPHZwW2NDS7. Cluster 1 includes …
ISSOTL Connect Cluster 3: SoTL Partnerships
ISSOTL Connect’s third Cluster will be made available on Thursday, February 25th at 12pm noon EST / 5pm GMT and Friday, February 26th at 1am SGT/AWST. You’ll find the full playlist on ISSOTL’s YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCfU09hxlsmRxd5ychiaZw5hUoo4wqD0o. Cluster 3 includes …
ISSOTL Connect Cluster 2: SoTL in COVID Times and Beyond
ISSOTL Connect’s second Cluster will be made available on Thursday, February 25th at 12am midnight EST / 5am GMT / 1pm SGT/AWST. You’ll find the full playlist on ISSOTL’s YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCfU09hxlsmRi8Hv7mc1S6NoZLiWJylOD. Cluster 2 includes the following video presentations: …
ISSOTL Fellows 2020 Spotlight – Mandy Frake-Mistak
Mandy Frake-Mistak, PhDEducational DeveloperYork UniversityCanadaISSOTL Region — Canada What drew you to SoTL? Quite simply, the community and the power of people connecting and collaborating on issues related to teaching and learning in higher education is what drew me and continues …
ISSOTL Fellows 2020 Spotlight – Michelle J. Eady
Associate Professor Michelle J. EadyAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Wollongong (UOW)AustraliaISSOTL Region – Asia Pacific What drew you to SoTL? SoTL is at the core of everything I do in my role as a teacher, mentor and researcher. SoTL involves bringing my …
Ketevan Kupatadze and Susannah McGowan Selected as Associate Editors of TLI
The ISSOTL Publications Committee is pleased to announce that Ketevan Kupatadze and Susannah McGowan have been selected as associate editors of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI). Their three-year terms begin this month. Associate editors work closely with the editorial team …
2019–2020 ISSOTL Annual Report
The 2019–2020 ISSOTL Annual Report is now available! Click the link below to view and/or download. Download the 2019–2020 ISSOTL Annual Report
Kelly Schrum Selected as Co-Editor of TLI
The ISSOTL Board is pleased to announce that Kelly Schrum has been selected as the next co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), joining Katarina Mårtensson, who will continue in her co-editor role. Kelly will assume the position in January …
Opportunities for New ISSOTL Members
ISSOTL offers different pathways for new members to get to know and participate in the ISSOTL community, engage with SoTL, exchange ideas, share their work, contribute to the Society, meet new colleagues and friends, reflect on their experiences, and so …
ISSOTL Connect 2021
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) is pleased to announce a virtual event coming in February! After the cancellation of its 2020 conference due to the pandemic, ISSOTL set out to find another way to support its members and continued scholarly engagement more broadly....
Call for Applications: Associate Editor of TLI
Publications Committee seeks appplications for an Associate Editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning The ISSOTL Publications Committee seeks applications for an associate editor for Teaching & Learning …
Call for Applications: Co-Editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) invites applications for the position of co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), its open access scholarly journal, now in its eighth year of publication (tlijournal.com). This opening marks …
Making sense of writing about learning and teaching
by Mick Healey, Kelly E. Matthews, and Alison Cook-Sather There are many wonderful guides for writing in general, but there are distinct issues in writing and publishing about learning and teaching that, according to Nancy Chick and colleagues (2014) “remain …
Origin of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Prepared by Dan Bernstein and Gary Poole – May 2020 There are many ways to describe the early days of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching (ISSOTL). Some might use flowing prose, some might use a literature review, …
2020 ISSOTL Fellows
We are pleased to announce the 2020 cohort of ISSOTL Fellows: Michelle J. Eady, Associate Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia Mandy Frake-Mistak, Educational Developer, York University, Canada Melanie Hamilton, EdD Candidate, Western University & Educational Development Specialist, Lethbridge College, Canada …
Contract Opportunity: Bookkeeper
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is seeking applications from consultants and/or organizations to provide bookkeeping support for the Society. As the Society is based in the US, only US-based bonded applicants are sought for this position.
Posting – Executive Director (for an Administrator/ Administration Centre)
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is seeking applications from individual consultants and/or organizations to support, coordinate, and communicate the ongoing functions, activities, and events of the Society.
Higher Education’s Emergency Response to the Pandemic: An Interview with a Professor of Emergency Management
The world is talking about what’s happening in postsecondary education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. All too often, it’s imprecisely described as “a shift to online teaching.” In fact, what’s really happened is that we had no choice …
ISSOTL 2020 Cancelled
The ISSOTL Presidential Team, Board of Directors, and ISSOTL 2020 Planning Team regret to announce that the 2020 ISSOTL Annual Conference has been cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our colleagues in Perth already have extended significant energy …
Lessons Learned from a SoTL Study on Remote Teaching: A Conversation with Terence Day
In March 2015, Terence Day published “Academic Continuity: Staying True to Teaching Values and Objectives in the Face of Course Interruptions” in Teaching & Learning Inquiry, the journal of ISSOTL. This article is perhaps the peer-reviewed article that most closely addresses …
An Investigation of Immersive Learning Pedagogies
by Phillip Motley Immersive learning is an idea that is sometimes associated with other teaching and learning concepts such as experiential learning. It is a term that can be used to describe a range of teaching and learning practices including study …
Communications Committee Seeks New Members
The ISSOTL Communications Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining effective communication with and among Society members. The committee contributes to and monitors the website, blog, and social media pages as primary means of communication with current and potential members. …
New Resource on Being a Constructive and Collegial ISSOTL Conference Reviewer
The ISSOTL Conference and Convenings Committee, in consultation with the ISSOTL 2019 conference hosts have created a new resource on being a constructive and collegial ISSOTL conference reviewer. Like ISSOTL’s Conference Pedagogy, this document is intended to contribute to knowledge sharing and …
2019 ISSOTL Fellows
It is our distinct honour to announce the inaugural cohort of ISSOTL Fellows. Earle Abrahamson, (University of East London, UK) Anita Acai, (McMaster University, Canada) Qi Gao, (Beijing Institute of Technology, China) Ruth Healey, (University of Chester, UK) Kirsten Jack, (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) David …
ISSOTL Strategic Plan Draft
Introduction: Fifteen Years of Creating Community ISSOTL was founded in 2004 by an interdisciplinary and international group of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) scholars. Their shared commitment to teaching and learning has guided the ISSOTL mission since. Our mission statement reads: The International Society for the …
Looking Forward to a Conversation between Elizabeth Minnich and Four ISSOTL Members
by Nancy Chick, Co-Editor, Teaching & Learning Inquiry Elizabeth Minnich’s plenary at ISSOTL18 in Bergen, Norway, left participants wanting more—wanting to engage with her, ask follow-up questions, hear her continue her thinking and connect to SoTL. Chng Huang Hoon (then …
ISSOTL Strategic Plan approved by Board of Directors
At the October meeting of the ISSOTL board of directors in Atlanta, we concluded an 18-month strategic planning process with the unanimous approval of a ten-year strategic plan for ISSOTL. Our process began with the formation of an ad hoc committee …
Characteristics & Choices in SoTL from the Arts & Humanities
At our annual meeting at ISSOTL18 in Bergen, Norway (Oct 27), we brainstormed some characteristics of SoTL that would feel authentic or welcoming to artists and humanists. See the list here.
Humanities SoTL Annotated Bibliography
During an ISSOTL11 roundtable in Milwaukee (the day after the HU IG meeting), a few Interest Group members agreed to create a bibliography of models of SoTL work in the humanities.* At ISSOTL12, they presented this work. * This conversation predated …
Assistant Director: Faculty Development
The Innovation in Learning Center at Univ. of South Alabama, in Mobile, AL is seeking an experienced, inspiring colleague to join our team. We support faculty development, course development, distance learning and instructional technologies across the University. Current ILC programs focus …
Where do presenters at ISSOTL come from and what can this tell us about SoTL? Part Two: A closer look at the ISSOTL maps
Brian Jackson, Associate Professor, Mount Royal University, bjackson@mtroyal.caMargy MacMillan, Professor Emerita, Mount Royal University, margymac@gmail.com In a previous post we looked at where ISSOTL conference presenters came from and which institutions had consistent participation. However, the data also show that there’s more than just …
Where do presenters at ISSOTL come from and what can this tell us about SoTL? Part one: An International society
Brian Jackson, Associate Professor, Mount Royal University, bjackson@mtroyal.caMargy MacMillan, Professor Emerita, Mount Royal University, margymac@gmail.com Does the ISSOTL conference location matter? Our work shows that hosting a conference has a definite short term impact on local interest in SoTL – information that …
SoTL Interview with Gary Poole
Dear colleagues, It gives me very great pleasure to share the animated YouTube videos listed below (or view the full playlist at https://youtu.be/hOeNMtETMAg). These are the result of an interview with a generous colleague many of you know (Gary Poole) and …
Invitation to Comment on Strategic Plan Draft
Dear ISSOTL Member: Over the past year the ISSOTL Board of Directors has been engaged in a strategic planning exercise designed to provide our society with its first strategic plan. A sub-committee of the board made up of Kelly Matthews …
2019 Candidate Statements
This election includes the following positions and candidates: President Elect (serves 1 year as President Elect, 1 year as President, and 1 year as Past President, for a total of 3 years). Co-candidates: Nancy Chick and Chng Huang Hoon Secretary …
Publications Advisory Committee announces Teaching & Learning Inquiry Associate Editors
The Publications Advisory Committee, which helps to guide and plan for the development of the Society’s journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, is pleased to announce the selection of three associate editors: Stephen Bloch-Schulman, Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, and Kelly Schrum. You will find a …
Teaching & Learning Inquiry Volume 4 Number 1 is Available
The latest issue of Teaching & Learning Inquiry – the first new issue since TLI moved to open-access – is now available. See the Table of Contents for a full list of the issue’s exciting articles. Thank you Nancy Chick, Gary Poole, and members of …
2017 Emerging Scholars
ISSOTL’s goal is to “foster inquiry and disseminate findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching.” To support this goal, ISSOTL recognizes the importance of engaging emerging scholars who are interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning. …
Student Presence at ISSOTL – at the Conference and on the Board
Dear Colleagues, It’s fall, and emails about the upcoming ISSOTL conference in Bergen are starting to arrive in my inbox, kind diversions from the dissertation and the job search. Serving on the Board for four years and working alongside some …
SoTL Trade Winds: Technical Trades & SoTL
by Nicola Simmons, Brock University Earlier this year I wrote to our listserv seeking literature pertaining to SoTL and trades education. I was hoping for peer-reviewed articles I could include as readings in a SoTL course aimed at community college …
New SoTL Award in Family Science
Written by Trent W. Maurer, Professor of Child & Family Development at Georgia Southern University, tmaurer@georgiasouthern.edu In the fall 2017 issue of one of the publications in my discipline of Family Science, National Council on Family Relations Report, I saw an announcement that one …
SoTL’s “Multidisciplinary Boundlessness” and Advocacy
by Kiara Mikita This post is in response to a call for ISSOTL blog posts highlighting SoTL advocacy and opportunities in the disciplines. My academic expertise is in sexual violence and how we talk about it. My disciplinary training is in …
The Beginnings of Engagement in Nursing Scholarship
by Stephanie Obara In recent years, I have followed my passion for teaching and transitioned from a pediatric acute care Registered Nurse into Nursing Education. In my pursuit of this goal, I am currently working as a Nursing Educator on …
Students as Partners at ISSOTL 2018
by Sophia Abbot and Ketevan Kupatadze Students as Partners (SaP) had a major presence at the 2018 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching …
2018 Student Presentation Awards
ISSOTL awards two student presentation awards each year at the annual conference, for best presentation led by a student and best poster presentation led by a student. Students receive a one year membership in the Society. The 2018 recipients are: …
SOTL in the South and a Tribute to Brenda Leibowitz
The second issue of SOTL in the South was published at the end of April. SOTL in the South “is an online open source and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering dialogue and research on teaching and learning in higher education in the global South, or …
Call for Blog Posts: Disciplinary State of SoTL Series
ISSOTL’s Advocacy Committee has been busy developing and sharing resources to support SoTL across stakeholders and contexts. Our newest effort focuses on soliciting disciplinary examples of SoTL advocacy. To that end, the A&O committee has created a series of blog …
Statement from the Board of Directors
As an international organization, ISSOTL is dedicated to open and critical exchanges among and gatherings of scholars from across the globe. In our mission statement, we affirm our commitment to “the collaboration of scholars in different countries and the flow of new …
Library Access to TLI
It’s 2017. Does your library know where Teaching & Learning Inquiry is? Help extend the reach of ISSOTL’s journal by checking YOUR library catalog to see what they list for Teaching & Learning Inquiry. If your library doesn’t list it as a …
2016 Student Presentation Awards
ISSOTL awards two student presentation awards each year at the annual conference, for best presentation led by a student and best poster presentation led by a student. Students receive a one year membership in the Society. The 2016 award winners …
In memory of Joanna Renc-Roe
Our colleague Joanna Renc-Roe has left us, much too early. It is with great sadness we write these words, but also with warm memories and gratitude for having known Joanna, her work, and her contributions to the world of SoTL. …
New SoTL E-journal in Art History
by Virginia B. Spivey, Michelle Millar Fisher, and Renee McGarry on behalf of AHTR; Queries should be addressed to info@arthistorypp.org Last year, Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR), a peer-populated open educational resource, began research and development on Art History Pedagogy and Practice (AHPP), a …
Canadian, eh?
This blog post is intended as a regional update to let you know what’s happening in Canada. Even as I write that, I have to acknowledge that there are so many pockets of SoTL innovation across the country these days …
Advancing Undergraduate Research
The ISSOTL Interest Group on Advancing Undergraduate Research (AUR-IG) is an international, interdisciplinary network for faculty and administrators who are interested in investigating undergraduate research through the lens of the scholarship of teaching and learning. We strive to help institutions …
Katarina Mårtensson selected as co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry
The ISSOTL Board is pleased to announce that Katarina Mårtensson has been selected as the next co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry, joining Nancy Chick, who will continue in her co-editor role. Katarina will assume the position in July 2019, as …
Report from the ISSOTL Publications Advisory Committee (PAC)
The last few months have seen the fruition of two years of planning, extensive member input, and much discussion, culminating in the launch of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI) in its new Open Access format and new home at the University of …
International Collaborative Writing Groups: A Space for Students
by Sophia Abbot, ISSOTL Board of Directors Student Representative On March 15th, applications to participate in ISSOTL’s International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWG) are due! This year’s writing groups are unique in that they include a student-only writing group in addition …
ISSOTL19 Proposals Deadline Extended to April 15
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 16th annual conference, which will be hosted in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, from October 9 to 12, 2019. International scholars and educators will come together to share …
Scholarship of Leading (SoL) Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting Minutes 2018
Scholarship of Leading (SoL) Special Interest Group Meeting ISSOTL Conference 2018, Bergen, Norway Friday, October 26, 2018 7:30 am – 8:20 am Attendees: Elizabeth Bowering, Mount Saint Vincent University Megan Burnett, University of Toronto (Acting Chair) Johan Geertsema, National …
2017 Scholarship of Leading Update
2017 (Calgary) ISSOTL SCHOLARSHIP OF LEADING : SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SoL SIG) (facilitated by SoL SIG Co-Chairs, Carol Rolheiser and Angela Carbone) Agenda Welcome & Introductions Mission Statement of Scholarship of Leading: Special Interest Group (SoL SIG)Committed to pursuing scholarly work on the …
Call for Applications: 2019 ISSOTL International Collaborative Writing Groups
Please consider applying for the following member opportunity to participate in an International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG). Applications are due no later than March 15, 2019. The ISSOTL ICWG initiative is a collaborative research and writing program that brings together …
Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions
Summary Of Position: The Office of Graduate Admissions is seeking a dynamic individual interested in joining our recruitment team. The Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions is responsible for working with the graduate admission/program staff in all aspects of the marketing, …
Students & SoTL Committee Seeks Members
The Students & SoTL Committee is seeking motivated individuals to join our working group to revision and improve the marking rubrics used to judge the Student Awards. Every year, ISSOTL runs awards for the Best Student Presentation/Poster of the annual conference. These awards aim …
2018 Distinguished Service Awards
At the 2018 conference in Bergen, Norway, the Society recognized two members with the Distinguished Service Award. ISSOTL grants honorary life memberships to people for distinguished service to the scholarship of teaching and learning and/or to ISSOTL, with no more than …
Invitation: Field a Question for Professor Elizabeth Minnich
If you were at ISSOTL-Bergen this October, you would have heard Professor Elizabeth Minnich’s keynote lecture. You would also know that we did not get a chance to engage her in Q&A. Good news! Prof Minnich has agreed to do …
2018 Scholarship of Leading Update
2018 (Bergen) ISSOTL SCHOLARSHIP OF LEADING : SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SoL SIG) (facilitated by Megan Burnett, Associate Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), University of Toronto, Canada) Agenda Briefly review findings from last year’s SoL SIG survey Explore surfacing leadership issues among SoL SIG participants Discuss one …
ISSOTL Board Elections – Call for nominations and self-nominations 2019
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning, needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s representatives establish new directions for this …
#ISSOTL18 Highlights
In addition to a wealth of engaging papers, panels, workshops, and posters, #ISSOTL18 attendees are invited to attend open committee meetings, Special Interest Group meetings, and other events. We’ve highlighted several below. Please check the conference program for all schedule details. Wednesday, …
ISSOTL Awards for Best Student Presentation and Poster
ISSOTL is dedicated to fostering inquiry and disseminating findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching in any discipline. We also recognise the importance of engaging and supporting the emerging generation of SoTL scholars. The ISSOTL Awards for …
Call for co-leaders for International Collaborative Writing Group (ICWG) 2019
ISSOTL invites applications from two ISSOTL members to co-lead the next ICWG to be hosted immediately preceding ISSOTL 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. As intentional, international collaborations that bring together ISSOTL members of all ranks and regions in focused inquiry, …
Students & SoTL Committee Seeks New Members
We’re seeking motivated ISSOTL members to join the Students & SoTL Committee. The committee recognizes the value that the Society places on students’ involvement in teaching and learning, and advocates for meaningful student engagement in SoTL and the Society. The committee’s …
ISSOTL 2018 Registration is Open
Registration for ISSOTL 2018 is open! Current members received a member discount code via email on June 7/8, 2018, along with instructions for registering at the member-discount rate. (If you didn’t receive your code and are a current member, please contact the Communications …
Results of the 2018 ISSOTL Elections
After close elections involving a total of ten candidates, three ISSOTL members have been elected to serve on the Board of Directors: President Elect: Michelle Yeo, Mt. Royal University (Canada) Student Representative: Yahlnaaw (Aaron Grant), University of Northern British Columbia …
ISSOTL Distinguished Service Awards 2018
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award. This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a significant …
Expressions of Interest to Host the ISSOTL Conference
ISSOTL and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the ISSOTL annual conference in 2020. ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. Hosts typically provide intellectual leadership to the conference by articulating …
Nancy Chick honored with 2017 Distinguished Service Award
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award. This award is designed to recognize ISSOTL members who have served both ISSOTL and the broader field of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning …
Students as Partners: Surprised at ISSOTL17
Written by Corinne Green, University of Wollongong (corinneg@uow.edu.au) ISSOTL as a whole is remarkably welcoming of students, student voice, and student participation. This is particularly palpable at the annual conference, with student welcome events, student presentation and poster awards, and …
ISSOTL Elections – Spring 2018 (Nominations Due Feb 26)
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning — a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning – seeks conscientious and creative colleagues who would like to make contributions to our Society. ISSOTL’s Board …
ISSOTL Conference Pedagogy
ISSOTL conferences convene faculty members, staff, and students from across the disciplines and around the world as a community that fosters inquiry and disseminates findings about what improves and articulates postsecondary learning and teaching. This purpose leads to an inherently complex …
Call for Proposals: Reading across Disciplines
Reading across the Disciplines: Studies in SoTL (edited by Karen Manarin, Professor of English, Mount Royal University) This collection of essays will explore how higher education students read from a range of disciplinary perspectives and a range of educational settings, including …
Making New Connections: Librarians Meetup at ISSOTL 2017
If one theme stood out during the 2017 conference, is was the idea of “community.” However you identify with SoTL, the discipline’s mission and philosophy encourages community interaction, collaboration, and the exchanging of ideas. This blog post is an account …
The Status of SoTL in Sociology: Background, Support, Involvement, and Characteristics
by Kathleen McKinney, Professor of Sociology and Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Emeritus, Illinois State University This post is part of a series of posts on this blog about the status of SoTL in various disciplines. …
A Report from the Publications Advisory Committee: ISSOTL to Partner with the University of Calgary as Teaching & Learning Inquiry Moves to Open Access Publication
Beginning in July 2016, Teaching & Learning Inquiry will be hosted at the University of Calgary as part of the university’s Open Access publishing program through Libraries and Cultural Resources. The 4.2 issue (scheduled for September 2016) will be the first to …
TLI now available to all
Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI)—the journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)—is now available online and open access at TLIjournal.com. On January 1, all issues of TLI went online under a CC-BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and …
Students & SoTL Committee seeks Judges for ISSOTL’s Student Awards
The Students & SoTL Committee is soliciting help from ISSOTL members who will be attending ISSOTL17 and are interested in judging one or more student poster and/or panel presentation(s). If you are willing to support ISSOTL’s Student Awards as a …
Notification of Bylaws Updates
Over the past few months, the Board has approved several changes to the Society’s Bylaws. These changes are intended to fix oversights (e.g., the absence of the Students and SoTL Committee from the bylaws) and to clarify and update processes …
“Video Booth” at ISSOTL 2017
Building on the ISSOTL 2013 videos produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University for ISSOTL Online 2013, an online conference held in conjunction with the ISSOTL 2013 conference in Raleigh, North Carolina, the ISSOTL Communications Committee is piloting several …
Design ISSOTL’s New Logo
General Competition Rules Design a logo for the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to be used on the society website, promotional materials, during the annual conferences, and on the Society’s social media accounts (currently Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, …
Apply Now to be ISSOTL’s next Part-Time Communications Coordinator
ISSOTL seeks a person to be responsible for expansion, update, maintenance, and promotion of the Society’s website. ISSOTL.com operates on Drupal and serves as an access point for a wide range of information about the Society, its resources, its activities, …
Slow SoTL: A Kind of Manifesto*
The Slow Movement—originating in Slow Food—challenges the frantic pace, efficiencies, and standardization of contemporary culture. Inspired by this careful attention to a daily task, we think the time is ripe for a Slow SoTL movement. We believe that integrating the …
Elementor #12708
As your Student Representatives to the ISSOTL Executive Board, we are writing to invite you to submit your work, if you have not done so already, for consideration for the ISSOTL Awards for Best Student Presentation and Poster. Award Description: ISSOTL will …
Advocating for SoTL in Family Science
Written by Trent W. Maurer, Professor of Child & Family Development at Georgia Southern University In the summer of 2016, the major open access pedagogical journal in my discipline, Family Science Review, published a special issue on SoTL in Family Science …
Designing and Conducting a SoTL Project using a Worksheet: A Baker’s Dozen of Important Sets of Guiding Questions
Note: This blog was originally posted on June 20, 2016 by the SoTL Advocate blog. It is reprinted here with permission from the editor of the blog. Many of us have numerous SoTL research topics or questions floating around in our minds. We …
State of SoTL Advocacy in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Written by Jennifer Friberg, Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Illinois State University Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) is a discipline representing two distinct professions: speech-language pathology …
Getting Started in SoTL: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annotated Literature Database
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) focuses on improving student learning through scholarly inquiry into teaching and learning practices. Scholars of teaching and learning come from all disciplines and often bring their disciplinary lenses to studying these processes. (For …
Advice for New SoTL Researchers
Written by Jennifer Friberg, Cross Endowed Chair in SoTL and Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Illinois State University Note: This blog was adapted from a post originally published on August 25, 2015 by the SoTL Advocate blog. It is reprinted here …
2017 Election Results
Thank you to all the ISSOTL members who stood for election in the 2017 Society elections! ISSOTL’s newly-elected, incoming Board members are: President-Elect: Mills Kelly, George Mason University, Virginia, USA Vice-President, Canada (2017-2020): Jessica Riddell, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada Vice-President, …
ISSOTL Logo Competition
General Competition Rules Design a logo for the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to be used on the society website, promotional materials, during the annual conferences, and on the Society’s social media accounts (currently Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, …
Voting for the 2017 Election will open Tuesday, April 18th
All current ISSOTL members are invited to vote in the 2017 election and will receive an email link to the ballot on April 18. The electronic ballot will be open from April 18 through May 2. The election results will be announced May 10. …
ISSOTL Distinguished Service Awards 2017
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award. This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a significant …
Expressions of Interest to Host the ISSOTL Conference in 2019
ISSOTL and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the ISSOTL annual conference in 2019. ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. Hosts typically provide intellectual leadership to the conference by articulating …
Jennifer Meta Robinson recognized with 2016 Distinguished Service Award
Jennifer Meta Robinson, Ph.D, Professor of Practice in the Indiana University Department of Anthropology, will receive the 2016 Distinguished Service Award from the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) at the organization’s annual meeting on October …
Call for Applications: Co-Editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry
CALL FOR APPLICATIONSCo-Editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) invites applications for the position of co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), its open access scholarly journal, now moving into its fifth year …
Current ISSOTL Memberships Extended to December 2017
The ISSOTL Membership Committee recommended to the ISSOTL Board, and the ISSOTL Board has approved, the following change to the membership year: ISSOTL’s current membership year of October 1, 2016-September 30, 2017 will be extended to December 31, 2017. Therefore, …
Seeking New Members for the Publications Advisory Committee
The Publications Advisory Committee (PAC) is charged with stewardship of the ISSOTL journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), including its financial health and sustainability, and its alignment with the mission of ISSOTL. See ISSOTL bylaws for further information about the PAC. The PAC is seeking …
ISSOTL 2017 Abstract Submission is Open
Abstract submissions for ISSOTL 2017 will be accepted through March 15, 2017. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 14th annual conference, which will be hosted in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, from October …
ISSOTL Elections – Spring 2017 (Nominations Due Feb 22)
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning — a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s Board …
Announcing a Search for a New Co-editor for Teaching & Learning Inquiry
For the past four years, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, has been co-edited by Nancy Chick and Gary Poole. As the inaugural editors, they have brought the energy, intelligence, and leadership needed to launch and establish the journal in ways that we can …
ISSOTL 2017 Call for Proposals
The call for proposals for the 2017 ISSOTL conference in Calgary (Canada) is now available! This year’s theme is inspired by the conference’s location in Calgary, a city that sits at 1,049 meters high with the Canadian Rocky Mountains shaping …
SOTL in the South: Call for Papers
Venue: University of Johannesburg, Soweto Campus The University of Johannesburg, in collaboration with colleagues at other South African universities, including UWC, CPUT and RU, will host an international conference, which focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning in the global …
New Email Discussion List for Members
ISSOTL has a new email discussion list for members to share CFPs, job announcements, and questions. Current members were automatically subscribed, and list membership will be updated monthly. To send a message to the list, email issotl-discussion@lists.issotl.news. Only members can post. Your …
2016 Emerging Scholars
Nineteen students were identified as ISSOTL Emerging Scholars Fund recipients in September. The award supported their attendance at the Society’s 2016 conference in October. The 2016 recipients were: Ashley Akenson, Tennessee Tech (USA), Ph.D. student Renate Marie Alling, University of Oslo (Norway), …
Proposal to host the ISSOTL conference in 2018
ISSOTL and its Convenings Committee have extended the call for proposals to host the 2018 ISSOTL annual conference. We will consider proposals from any institution or group of institutions regardless of geographical location, although we have a slight preference for …
Update from the Publications Advisory Committee: ISSOTL Membership Input on Moving Our Journal to an Open Access Format
One of the features of ISSOTL conference this year was two open discussions about future directions for the Society’s journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry. Sponsored by the Publications Advisory Committee, which oversees the journal’s financial health and sustainability, the sessions attracted approximately …
SoTL Advocacy via Social Media
Written by Jennifer Friberg (jfribe@ilstu.edu; @jacfriberg13), Cross Endowed Chair in SoTL at Illinois State University on behalf of ISSOTL’s Advocacy committee These days, social media seems omnipresent, with many groups and individuals using the power of various social media platforms …
Register Now for ISSOTL 2016
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) under the leadership of its Director Dr. Dorothea Herreiner is the ISSOTL 2016 conference organizer. Dr. Herreiner looks forward to welcoming ISSOTL members and other ISSOTL 2016 presenters to Los Angeles, …
Call for Expressions of Interest to Host 2018 ISSOTL Conference
ISSOTL and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the 2018 ISSOTL annual conference. The ISSOTL Board has stated a preference for a conference location outside North America in 2018, but the Convenings Committee will consider expressions of …
2016 Election Results
On behalf of the ISSOTL Board, we’re pleased to announce that the following positions have been filled. Thank to all the members who put themselves forward to be nominated. A special thanks to Kathy Takayama and the Leadership and Election …
ISSOTL 2016 Proposal Deadline Extended to May 9
The submission deadline for the ISSOTL 2016 conference in Los Angeles, California (US) has been extended to May 9, 2016.
ISSOTL 2016 Elections – Candidate Bios and Statements
Regional Vice Presidents: Regional vice presidents represent their respective regions on the Board of Directors. Regions include Asia Pacific, Canada, Europe, and the United States. Each region has two Vice Presidents who serve staggered terms. The Board of Directors has authority …
ISSOTL Distinguished Service Awards 2016
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award (DSA). This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a significant …
ISSOTL 2016 Call for Proposals
We’re excited to announce that the ISSOTL 2016 Call for Proposals is available. ISSOTL 2016 will convene October 12-15, 2016, in Los Angeles, California. Bookmark the conference webpages, follow the conference hosts on twitter, and like the conference facebook page for updates. Questions about the …
Teaching Ideas Competition Award
The Mass Communication & Society Division of the Association for Education of Journalism & Mass Communication is offering an award that is grounded in the Study of Teaching and Learning. The call for entries is posted here: http://aejmc.us/mcs/awards/teaching-awards/teaching-ideas-competition/ Award entries are …
The SoTL Lit Review, The SoTL Librarian
As Teaching & Learning Inquiry co-editor Gary Poole and I have observed, one of our reviewers’ most common reasons for sending a submission back to the author (for revisions or rejection) is the need for a stronger grounding in relevant research on …
Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research
Registration is now open for the July 24th-25th Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, hosted by The Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. More information about the conference can be found below and at the conference website. The conference features keynotes by George Kuh (Ensuring …
Invitation to Participate in Multi-Disciplinary SOTL Study
Dear SOTL colleagues: We are writing to invite you to participate in a multi‐disciplinary Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) project investigating how graduate students’ participation in a graduate pedagogy course influences their development as teacher‐scholars. Our Indiana University investigator team …
ISSOTL Elections – Spring 2016
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning — a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s officers …
International Summer Institute on ‘Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education’
The first International Summer Institute on ‘Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education’ is to be organised by McMaster Institute for Innovation and Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL), Canada in early May 2016. Key features This …
CFP: 6th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference
Dalhousie University invites you to submit a proposal to the 6th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference from June 15 to 17, 2016 in Halifax, Canada. The conference website is available at: http://www.dal.ca/dept/clt/events-news/Threshold_Concepts.html This year’s theme, Thresholds on the Edge, pushes us …
Call for Chapter Proposals for Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Beyond the Individual Classroom Level
Call for Chapter Proposals Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Beyond the Individual Classroom Level Jennifer Friberg and Kathleen McKinney, Editors, Illinois State University We are seeking brief chapter proposals for editorial review and possible inclusion in this volume. …
Research on Teaching & Learning Conference
Hello Colleagues, McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada, will be hosting their annual Research on Teaching & Learning conference on December 9 & 10, 2015. This year, the conference theme is Cultivating Communities, and we are thrilled to welcome Katarina Mårtensson from Lund …
Illinois State University Launches SoTL Blog, The SoTL Advocate
by Jennifer Friberg and Kathleen McKinney, Illinois State University During the fall semester of 2014, the office of the Cross Chair in SoTL at Illinois State University established a new weblog titled The SoTL Advocate to highlight SoTL and to …
Call for Expressions of Interest to Host 2017 ISSOTL Conference
The Convenings Committee welcomes expressions of interest in hosting the 2017 ISSOTL annual conference. The ISSOTL Board has stated a preference for a North American conference location in 2017, but the Convenings Committee will consider expressions of interest from any …
Communications Committee Seeks Members
The Communications Committee seeks nominations for additional members. The committee is responsible for developing and maintaining effective communication with and among Society members. The committee contributes to and monitors the website, blog, and social media pages as primary means of …
Student-generated data – Trends in the 2014 Conference program
Nichole Powell, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Oxford College of Emory University, USA, nichole.powell@emory.edu Brenda Harmon, Senior Lecturer and Chemistry Laboratory Director, Oxford College of Emory University, USA, bharmon@emory.edu Margy MacMillan, Professor/Communications Librarian, Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB, Canada mmacmillan@mtroyal,.ca In …
Students & SoTL Committee Seeks Members
Since today’s students are the future of tomorrow’s SoTL research, the ISSOTL Board has approved the formation of a new Students & SoTL Committee which is now seeking new members. According to the Committee’s terms of reference we need a …
2015 Election – Candidate Statements
Three candidates are standing for election in 2015. Their candidate statements are posted below, and current members will receive an email link to the election ballot. Candidate for President-Elect: Peter Felten Candidates for United States Regional Vice President: Sarah Bunnell …
Annual Elections: Ballots Available May 11
Sent on behalf of Joelle Fanghanel, Chair of Leadership and Elections Committee Dear member I am delighted, on behalf of the Committee and the Board, to inform membership that we are now ready to proceed with the annual round of …
Call for Nominations: ISSOTL Distinguished Service Awards
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award. This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a …
ISSOTL Elections – Nominations due 2 March 2015
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – the premier international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — seeks leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s officers …
ISSOTL Elections – Spring 2015 – Call for Nominations
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – the premier international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — seeks leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s officers …
From TLI: Teaching the Literature Review: A Practical Approach for College Instructors
Abstract: Instructors across the disciplines require their students to write literature reviews. Although numerous sources describe the literature review process, instructors and students face difficulty when approaching the structure of a literature review. This paper presents a straightforward, efficient approach …
Has your membership lapsed? Renew today!
Mary Ann Danielson, Secretary of ISSOTL, is in the process of contacting (former) 2013-2014 members of ISSOTL if our records indicate that they have not yet renewed their ISSOTL membership for 2014-2015. If your membership has lapsed, we hope that …
From TLI: Instructor-Student Rapport in Taiwan ESL Classrooms
Abstract: Positive relationships between instructors and students are critical to effective learning in the classroom. Rooted in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and centered at the crossroads of interpersonal communication and instructional communication (Affective Learning Model), this study …
ISSOTL 2015 Call for Abstracts is Open
The 12th annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning will take place from 27-30 October 2015 in Melbourne, Australia. The conference will be co-hosted by Monash University and RMIT University and held at RMIT …
From TLI: Teaching Writing in the Disciplines: Student Perspectives on Learning Genre
Abstract: Writing in the Disciplines curricula can both challenge and reinforce assumptions that writing is a general skill that students will already have learned prior to doing the specialized writing in their chosen field of study. Rhetorical genre studies, however, …
International Collaborative Writing Groups 2015 (ICWG2015)
As part of the ISSOTL 2015 Conference hosted in Melbourne Australia, colleagues are invited to apply to participate in a year-long international collaborative writing group. There will be eight groups, each of which will prepare and write an article during …
A Report from the Publications Advisory Committee, August 2014
A Report from the Publications Advisory Committee, August 2014 * This report is also available in .pdf format: here. In March of this year, the then-newly approved Publications Advisory Committee (previously operating as an ad hoc committee) delivered to the ISSOTL Board, at …
Examining Teaching & Learning through the Lenses of the Arts & Humanities
By Beth Marquis, McMaster University, Canada (this blog appears courtesy of Beth and SoTL Canada, for whom the blog was written this month) In a previous post on the SoTL Canada website, Brad Wuetherick invited readers to join a ‘growing …
Rationale for Proposed Changes in ISSoTL’s Bylaws
Posted by Dan Bernstein, Past President and Chair of the Leadership and Elections Committee, on behalf of the Board of Directors who have voted to present the revised set of bylaws for approval by the Society’s membership The ISSoTL Board …
Special Announcement re: International Writing Groups
Overdue congratulations to Beth Marquis, Mick Healey, and Michelle Vine for not only running the International Writing Groups at ISSOTL in Hamilton, but in true Meta-SoTL style, researching the process. See their work at “Building Capacity for the Scholarship of …