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27 August

Growing Inspiration to Work Towards Greater Transparency and Inclusion in Peer Review

By Ruth L. Healey and Alison Cook-Sather Learning is an inherently emotional experience. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) field has supported the development of intentional practices attentive to students’ emotional experiences of receiving feedback, but we do not …

15 July

Unlocking the Potential in a Gamification-Based MOOC: Assessing Autonomous Learning and Self-Directed Learning Behaviors

By Joko Slamet, Yazid Basthomi, Francisca Maria Ivone, Evi Eliyanah. Our exploration of gamification in massive open online courses (MOOCs) was driven by a commitment to reshape online education. This study, part of the first author’s dissertation at Universitas Negeri …

15 July

Evaluating Universal Design for Learning and Active Learning Strategies in Biology Open Educational Resources (OERs)

During the shift to emergency remote teaching, undergraduate biology instructors were challenged with the unprecedented: transitioning lab and experiential-based activities online. Given this challenge—and in a discipline where faculty are not traditionally taught how to teach online—we wanted to understand …

25 June

University Students’ Perceptions of a 30-Minute Break During Class: A Realistic Practice for Wellness

By Shannon Kell In the world of education, wellness is foundational to everything: our ability to teach and learn, function, meaningfully interact, balance work and life, behave appropriately, and perhaps most importantly: enjoy life and to flourish. Wellness needs to …

18 June

Adopting problem-based learning: Barriers, discomfort, and hope

Michael Wong1,2, Sarah Ali2 1 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Canada 2 Honours Health Sciences (BHSc) Program, McMaster University, Canada Email Correspondence: Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy that facilitates learning through the process of …