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29 January

Don’t Set Goals, Set Systems: Using Decoding the Disciplines and Students as Partners to Strengthen a History Department and its Teacher Candidates

By Jared McBrady This article started with a quest to find time for SoTL research. As a tenure-track faculty member, I had to juggle teaching, service, and research alongside the demands of family life (including a toddler). Too often in …

29 January

Building Trust Through Feedback: Transforming Higher Education Classrooms

By Breana Bayraktar, Kiruthika Ragupathi and Katherine A. Troyer Our recent research on building trust through feedback in higher education has significant implications for teaching practices across disciplines. We discovered that creating a trusting feedback environment involves a delicate interplay …

29 January

Superficially Plausible Outputs from a Black Box: Problematising GenAI Tools for Analysing Qualitative SoTL Data

By Mirjam Sophia Glessmer and Rachel Forsyth We spent the last months reading, coding, discussing, re-coding, discussing some more, re-coding, discussing even more, and then consensus coding free-text answers of 449 students, completing the analysis, and submitting the manuscript. “Just …

10 December

Reading Deeply, Connecting Broadly: Reflections on Engaging Together with SoTL’s Grand Challenges

By Maria Gallardo-Williams (North Carolina State University, and Nancy Chick (Rollins College, In the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), we often find ourselves exploring research practices, methodologies, and frameworks to enhance teaching. But sometimes, we’re called to …