Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award (DSA). This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a significant …
We’re excited to announce that the ISSOTL 2016 Call for Proposals is available. ISSOTL 2016 will convene October 12-15, 2016, in Los Angeles, California. Bookmark the conference webpages, follow the conference hosts on twitter, and like the conference facebook page for updates. Questions about the …
The Mass Communication & Society Division of the Association for Education of Journalism & Mass Communication is offering an award that is grounded in the Study of Teaching and Learning. The call for entries is posted here: http://aejmc.us/mcs/awards/teaching-awards/teaching-ideas-competition/ Award entries are …
As Teaching & Learning Inquiry co-editor Gary Poole and I have observed, one of our reviewers’ most common reasons for sending a submission back to the author (for revisions or rejection) is the need for a stronger grounding in relevant research on …
Registration is now open for the July 24th-25th Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, hosted by The Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. More information about the conference can be found below and at the conference website. The conference features keynotes by George Kuh (Ensuring …
Dear SOTL colleagues: We are writing to invite you to participate in a multi‐disciplinary Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) project investigating how graduate students’ participation in a graduate pedagogy course influences their development as teacher‐scholars. Our Indiana University investigator team …
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning — a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s officers …
The first International Summer Institute on ‘Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education’ is to be organised by McMaster Institute for Innovation and Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL), Canada in early May 2016. Key features This …
Dalhousie University invites you to submit a proposal to the 6th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference from June 15 to 17, 2016 in Halifax, Canada. The conference website is available at: http://www.dal.ca/dept/clt/events-news/Threshold_Concepts.html This year’s theme, Thresholds on the Edge, pushes us …
Call for Chapter Proposals Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Beyond the Individual Classroom Level Jennifer Friberg and Kathleen McKinney, Editors, Illinois State University We are seeking brief chapter proposals for editorial review and possible inclusion in this volume. …