Humanities SoTL Annotated Bibliography
- Posted by ISSOTL Admin
- Categories Arts & Humanities
- Date October 17, 2019
During an ISSOTL11 roundtable in Milwaukee (the day after the HU IG meeting), a few Interest Group members agreed to create a bibliography of models of SoTL work in the humanities.* At ISSOTL12, they presented this work.
* This conversation predated our transition to an Arts & Humanities IG, and those of us at the table were humanists.
We saw this as a collaborative project of the broader Interest Group, especially as the IG now explicitly encompasses both the Arts & Humanities, so we requested that IG members add to the bibliography with the following information:
- a citation for an article or book (with a link to the full text, if possible),
- a brief annotation describing the text and explaining why you recommend that piece as a model of humanities- or art-based SoTL.
View our original annotated bibliography.
Also see “Humanities & SoTL: 2 Bibliographies,” a blog post with an additional bibliography, by former Interest Group Chair Nancy Chick.