A PDF of the program booklet is now posted online at the top of the Program page.CHRONICLE YOUR EXPERIENCE IN THE ISSOTL17 WORK/PLAYBOOK
If you’re on social media, share your experiences by using the #ISSOTL17 hashtag. Then, see the archive of each day’s Tweets on Storify, compiled by ISSOTL17 Publicity Coordinator Margy MacMillan:
- Part 1: The Gathering
- Part 2: Conference Eve
- Part 3: It Begins
- Part 4: A VERY Full Day
- Part 5: The Adventure Continues
- Part 6: A Strong Finish
Stop by the ISSOTL17 Video “Booth” sponsored by the ISSOTL Communications Committee in the Telus Convention Center Foyer (near the Registration Desk) to share your answers to daily questions, such as “What’s the most exciting idea you’ve heard today?” Questions will rotate throughout the conference, so stop by anytime you see a new question posted. For more information, including the daily schedule, visit this page.
New-to-ISSOTL Welcome & Meet-and-Greet Session
Wednesday, October 11 (4:30-5:15pm) in Neilson 1 in the Hyatt
What would teaching and learning be without students? ISSOTL takes a unique lead in research because it recognizes the value of students’ perspectives in all facets of teaching and learning, across the globe. Your presence is essential to this conference. Your learning is what got scholars together, talking and planning ways forward for your higher education experience. There are several sessions to explore. But don’t be too overwhelmed. Use the Work/playbook (above) to help you navigate your way through the rich presentations, or visit the conference commons for further navigational tips.
We highly recommend that you consider the following:
- Submit your work, if you have not done so already, by Sunday, 8 October, for consideration for the ISSOTL Awards for Best Student Presentation and Poster.
- If you’d like to attend student-themed presentations, then you might want to use the Guidebook app (above) look at the Conference Track: Students as SoTL Partners. Just know that faculty would like to welcome you to all kinds of presentations.
- The Student Welcome event is Thursday 19th October, 6:30 PM.
- There is a scavenger hunt, where you can win prizes! It’s especially designed for newcomers to ISSOTL. Some of you might be new here. However, if you’re not new to ISSOTL and you think you might ace the hunt, then help a new student pal to win!
- Tweet #ISSOTL2017students – Let us know how the sessions are going or how you’re experiencing ISSOTL. Let us stay up to date with your experiences, and tell us how your presentations are going.
- And attend a special interest group meeting especially, Students as co-inquirers, so your input can make ISSOTL 2018 even more meaningful. Oh yes, don’t forget to make connections as you begin to plan how you’ll be involved in 2018!
If you ever have questions, or need clarifications, we will have volunteers and seasoned student attendees who will be happy to help. Whatever sessions you choose to attend, and however you spend some time outdoors, we hope you have a warm and cosy indoor conference time, balanced with the cool fall breezes on the outside. Cheers to a riveting student experience at ISSOTL 2017!
Click here for archival information about the Emerging Scholars Fund and the Awards for Best Student-Led Presentation and Best Student Poster.
See the program–the program booklet itself or the program at-a-glance–at the top of the Program page.
There are several types of sessions:
Pre-conference workshops (Oct 11):
These longer, interactive sessions do require pre-registration and enrollment limits, so you’ll want to plan ahead to attend.
Plenary sessions (Oct 11, 12 and 14):
We have invited speakers who will inspire and challenge us to consider teaching and learning from a variety of perspectives. You won’t want to miss them!
Concurrent sessions (Oct 12, 13 and 14)
During each of the 10 concurrent sessions, there will be a number of individual and group presentations. It will be hard to choose from among so many interesting talks, but you can only be in one place at a time! If you are torn between options, consider finding someone with similar interests who is going to one of the options. You can go to the other and exchange notes afterwards.
Poster session and reception (Oct 12)
This is an amazing opportunity to peruse visual representations of research, chat with researchers, and mingle with the larger ISSOTL group—all in a relaxed, social environment.
- What to wear? Calgary is a fairly relaxed city where business casual is the norm, but you will also find people from students to corporate executives in blue jeans. The weather can change quickly this time of year, so consider having multiple layers to adjust to sunshine, wind, rain… or even snow.
- What else to bring? It is always handy to have a supply of business cards to exchange—come ready to network! Hint: make a note on the back of each business card you receive to remember what you spoke about, how this person prefers to be contacted, etc. Having both writing supplies (paper, notebook, etc.) and digital technology will be helpful. Wifi is available throughout the conference centre. We are preparing a conference workbook filled with all kinds of helpful information and spaces for reflection that you may want to print and bring along as well. (It will be posted in September.)
- How to prepare for presenting? You will want to carefully review the information on this page in order to prepare appropriately. Make sure you read the statement on ISSOTL’s “conference pedagogy,” so you get a sense of their conference presentation style and personality.
- How to get regular updates? The ISSOTL17 website and related links (including this page) will continue to be updated, so check back regularly. You can also follow @issotl17 and #issotl17 on Twitter for more details about the program. Presenters are also getting preparatory messages from the conference organizers via