International Collaborative Writing Groups 2015 (ICWG2015)
As part of the ISSOTL 2015 Conference hosted in Melbourne Australia, colleagues are invited to apply to participate in a year-long international collaborative writing group. There will be eight groups, each of which will prepare and write an article during 2015-16 on a pre-selected topic about SOTL (the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) for submission for publication. Each group will have seven members chaired by a facilitator familiar with the chosen topic. Ideally each group will include at least one student member. The groups will work at a distance to prepare a 2000 word outline for online discussion running up to an ISSoTL pre-Conference workshop. They will meet in Melbourne for the two and half days preceding the start of the main conference (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 25-27 October 2015) during which they will spend time preparing their draft paper within their group and in discussion with participants of other groups. Following the workshop the groups will have five to six months to complete and send in their papers for submission to the Society’s international SOTL journal, Teaching and Learning Inquiry. What are the topics of the 2015 international collaborative writing groups? Scholarship of: 1. student employability 2. work and practice-based learning 3. inclusive teaching and learning 4. assessment in the digital age 5. the flipped classroom 6. the student learning process 7. supporting new academics in teaching and learning 8. researcher development. How can I find out more and sign up? Go to for all information. The 2015 International Collaborative Writing Group initiative is being coordinated by Kelly Matthews (Australia) and Mick Healey (UK). Any questions can be emailed to Kelly Matthews at Interested participants should submit an online application form no later than 13 March 2015 at: Students Students (undergraduate or postgraduate) are encouraged to apply. ICWG Workshop fees for selected students will be waived with some travel bursaries available to support international and interstate student participation. Help us spread the word We would be most appreciative if readers could forward this invitation to colleagues and to appropriate students who may be interested in participating in a collaborative writing group.