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Terence Day

Lessons Learned from a SoTL Study on Remote Teaching: A Conversation with Terence Day

In March 2015, Terence Day published “Academic Continuity: Staying True to Teaching Values and Objectives in the Face of Course Interruptions” in Teaching & Learning Inquiry, the journal of ISSOTL. This article is perhaps the peer-reviewed article that most closely addresses the situation many institutions of higher education are facing right now as they suddenly shift to virtual learning environments.  

I spoke to Terence yesterday — very informally, in an unpolished webconference — about his article and what he has to say about the current situation. Watch our conversation below.

After I stopped recording, we continued our chat, and he told me something interesting:  it was an anonymous Teaching & Learning Inquiry reviewer and then-co-editor Gary Poole who encouraged him to reframe his study to address Academic Continuity. He sends his gratitude to that anonymous reviewer and to Gary.

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