ISSOTL26 | Expression of Interest
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the ISSOTL Annual Conference in 2026.
ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. Hosts typically provide intellectual leadership to the conference by articulating the theme, organizing the proposal selection/review process, and constructing the conference program in collaboration with the Society, as well as identifying the location for the conference and managing all local arrangements. ISSOTL supports the hosts by offering guidance, networking, and support.
Expressions of interest to host the ISSOTL conference must include the following:
- Name, title/position, and institutional affiliation of primary contact(s)/proposed Conference Chair(s)
- Names/institutions of other proposed members of the conference organizing team
- Host institution(s) (must be postsecondary/higher education/higher learning institutions)
- City and country in which conference would be held
- Intended site of the conference (i.e., university campus, conference center, hotel, or some other suitable venue)
- Tentative dates on which the conference would be held (the conference is traditionally held late October or start of November)
- A brief statement (no more than 200 words) outlining the reasons why the institution(s) and location are appealing hosts for the ISSOTL conference, and why the proposed theme will resonate specifically with ISSOTL members.
Expressions of interest should be emailed no later than May 15, 2024 to executivedirector@issotl.com with the subject line “ISSOTL26 Expression of Interest.”
Expressions of interest will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Proposed theme: relevance and potential to appeal to ISSOTL members
- Location*: country, city, and venue
- Team: relevant experience of individuals who would lead the conference planning and implementation
The Convenings Committee will review all expressions of interest, and hosts selected to submit a more detailed proposal will be notified by end of June 2024.
Questions about expressions of interest, hosting the conference, or the selection process should be directed to the Co-Chairs of the ISSOTL Convenings Committee:
Michael Rifenburg Michael.Rifenburg@ung.edu and Andrea Dodo-Balu adodobalu@unimelb.edu.au .
*In keeping with the international nature of ISSOTL, we encourage institutions from a diversity of regions to submit a proposal. The three most recent ISSOTL conferences were awarded to institutions in the Canada, Europe and USA (i.e., University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus, 2022; Utrecht University The Netherlands, 2023; Indiana University Bloomington USA, 2024). However, we welcome all good proposals as we conduct proposal review on a competitive basis.
We look forward to receiving your proposal and wish you all the best.