General Competition Rules Design a logo for the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to be used on the society website, promotional materials, during the annual conferences, and on the Society’s social media accounts (currently Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, …
All current ISSOTL members are invited to vote in the 2017 election and will receive an email link to the ballot on April 18. The electronic ballot will be open from April 18 through May 2. The election results will be announced May 10. …
Each year, the ISSOTL Board organizes a public call for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award. This award is aimed at ISSOTL members who have served the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in distinguished ways for a period spanning a significant …
ISSOTL and its Convenings Committee welcome expressions of interest in hosting the ISSOTL annual conference in 2019. ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. Hosts typically provide intellectual leadership to the conference by articulating …
CALL FOR APPLICATIONSCo-Editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) invites applications for the position of co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), its open access scholarly journal, now moving into its fifth year …
The ISSOTL Membership Committee recommended to the ISSOTL Board, and the ISSOTL Board has approved, the following change to the membership year: ISSOTL’s current membership year of October 1, 2016-September 30, 2017 will be extended to December 31, 2017. Therefore, …
The Publications Advisory Committee (PAC) is charged with stewardship of the ISSOTL journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI), including its financial health and sustainability, and its alignment with the mission of ISSOTL. See ISSOTL bylaws for further information about the PAC. The PAC is seeking …
Abstract submissions for ISSOTL 2017 will be accepted through March 15, 2017. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 14th annual conference, which will be hosted in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, from October …
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning — a growing international organization dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning — needs leaders who are original thinkers, hard workers, and esteemed colleagues in the profession. ISSOTL’s Board …
For the past four years, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, has been co-edited by Nancy Chick and Gary Poole. As the inaugural editors, they have brought the energy, intelligence, and leadership needed to launch and establish the journal in ways that we can …