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Proposal to host the ISSOTL conference in 2018

ISSOTL and its Convenings Committee have extended the call for proposals to host the 2018 ISSOTL annual conference. We will consider proposals from any institution or group of institutions regardless of geographical location, although we have a slight preference for proposals from outside of North America.

ISSOTL works closely with local hosts to organize and run each annual conference. Host teams typically provide intellectual leadership to the conference by articulating the theme, organizing the proposal selection/review process, and constructing the conference program in collaboration with representatives from the Society. Local hosts also identify the venue for the conference and manage all local arrangements. ISSOTL supports the hosts by offering guidance, networking, and support, as well as supplying the online system for proposal selection/review and for collecting conference registrations.

Please submit your proposal as a PDF by November 27, 2016 to Katarina Mårtensson, co-chair of the ISSOTL Convenings Committee ( Your proposal should include the components listed below. Please be as concise as possible while making your best case, and yet limit your proposal to 10-12 pages. We ask that you use the ISSOTL budget template for the budget part of your proposal. This template is available upon request by e-mail to Katarina Mårtensson (see e-mail above).

The Convenings Committee will review proposals and make recommendations to the ISSOTL Board in December 2016. Decisions will be communicated promptly.

If you have questions about the proposal process or ISSOTL, please contact Katarina Mårtensson (

Components of a proposal

Conference location and host institution(s): In what city/region will the conference be held, and what makes that location appropriate and appealing for ISSOTL members?

Conference dates and schedule: When will the conference be held (tentative dates in October)? If more than one specific set of dates is possible, please list the available possibilities. What is the basic schedule for the conference (when will pre-conference workshops be, when will the conference start and end, when are keynotes, etc.)? Are there other local events, holidays, etc., that make these dates either appealing or problematic?

Conference theme and features: What might the theme of the conference be, and why is that theme appropriate and appealing for ISSOTL? Are you planning any special features for the conference?

Conference organizing committee: Who are the key members of the group organizing the conference? What experience do they have organizing professional conferences? What are their connections to ISSOTL?

Conference venue(s): Where specifically will the conference be held? If you have not yet confirmed a venue, please provide details about the options. Describe the spaces to be used in the various components of the conference (plenaries, concurrent sessions, poster session, receptions, meals, meetings, etc.), and the technology and tech support available at the conference venue(s). Descriptions should include estimated room capacities for plenary sessions (400-500 people) and meals/receptions, and the number/capacity of rooms available for concurrent sessions. Are conference spaces accessible for people with differing physical abilities?

Student roles in the conference: What role/s can students have in planning, organizing, and/or participating in the conference?

Conference accommodations: Where will overnight visitors stay during the conference? What is the estimated cost of per night of accommodations? Are a range of accommodations available for participants with different budgets? Where are the accommodations located in relation to the conference site and to dining/entertainment options? How will attendees move from place to place during the conference?

Transportation: How will participants who are traveling long distances (including international attendees) get to the conference location? How will they get from a transportation hub (airport, train station, etc.) to get to their accommodations?

Conference budget: What is the proposed budget for the conference? Please follow the ISSOTL guidelines, and budget template (can be requested by an e-mail to, in developing and presenting your detailed budget.

Conference registration fees: What are the proposed registration fees for the conference?

Other: Feel free to include other information that will help the ISSOTL Convenings Committee and Board review your proposal to host the conference.

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