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Call for Co-Leaders: International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs) 2024

 Co-Leaders’ Roles and Responsibilities

Co-leaders will organize this ISSOTL ICWG cohort to meet the aims and deadlines of the project.  Partnering with the ISSOTL ICWG Emergent Working Group that envisioned this emergent opportunity for 2024, the co-leaders will take the lead in doing the following:

  • partnering with the ICWG Emergent Working Group to realize the vision of this year’s theme, aims, and outcomes,
  • honing topic areas within this year’s theme for groups’ work,
  • coordinating the separate calls for group facilitators and participants,
  • selecting group facilitators and (with facilitators) participants for each group,
  • helping facilitators and groups to think broadly and creatively about what this ICWG’s artifacts might look like,
  • identifying needed resources and expertise to support this cohort of ICWGs,
  • supporting the group facilitators in their work,
  • planning and facilitating all aspects of the face-to-face meeting with group facilitators and participants, 
  • liaising with local conference organizers regarding the venue and resources for the face-to-face working session at the ISSOTL conference,
  • working with the group facilitators following the ISSOTL24 conference to support the continued development and completion of projects,
  • reporting to and consulting with the ISSOTL ICWG Emergent Working Group, which represents the ISSOTL Board, relevant committees, and previous ICWG co-leaders, and
  • writing an article for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (subject to the journal’s regular peer review process) about some aspect of this ICWG process, the nature of projects undertaken, and/or the overall experience.

Selection Process and Criteria

The selected co-leaders, who will ideally represent different institutions and different countries, should demonstrate that between them they have the necessary experience and skills to lead this initiative to successful completion. The selection committee will select two to co-lead this cohort of ICWGs. Potential co-leaders may apply as individuals or together; however, they do not need to identify a partner in order to apply to be a co-leader.

ICWG co-leaders will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • evidence of experience with or strong interest in exploring ISSOTL’s history, impact, and/or future as described in the year’s theme,
  • evidence of a sustained or growing interest in ISSOTL as part of SoTL’s history,
  • demonstrated ability to effectively coordinate and motivate group efforts, particularly diverse groups (ICWG groups will be made up of faculty, staff, and students from different nations, disciplines, identities/backgrounds),
  • experience working with digital, visual, and/or multimodal forms of scholarly communication,
  • competence in organizational skills and time management, and
  • enthusiasm for leading this ISSOTL initiative.

Applications outlining fit to the above criteria and expectations in no more than 3 pages should be emailed to Sarah Bunnell ( by December 15, 2023, along with a brief CV (no more than 5 pages) for each applicant.  Co-leaders will be recommended by the ICWG Emergent Working Group, approved by the ISSOTL Board of Directors, and notified via email no later than January 1, 2024.

Structured as intentional collaborations that bring together ISSOTL members of all ranks and regions in focused inquiry, International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs) embody both the spirit and the work of ISSOTL.  The 2024 track — ISSOTL’s first “Emergent” year in the ICWG cycle reserved for emergent opportunities — will commemorate ISSOTL’s 20th anniversary by focusing on “Reflecting and Reinvigorating: The Past, Present, and Future of ISSOTL” as groups explore who we are, how we came to be, what has worked, what is missing, what could be, and how ISSOTL fits into the broader history of SoTL. Read more about this year’s theme and vision here.

ISSOTL invites applications from current ISSOTL members to co-lead this anniversary cohort of ICWGs. Two individuals will be selected as co-leaders to facilitate a collegial process that generates a variety of engaging products designed to tell the ISSOTL story from different perspectives. This volunteer position is an exciting leadership opportunity for ISSOTL members who are

  • engaged with ISSOTL 
  • committed to collaborative SoTL,
  • interested in exploring ISSOTL’s impact and potential, 
  • dedicated to mentoring SoTL peers through the ICWG process, 
  • experience or willingness to work with alternate/creative forms of scholarship (e.g., digital, visual, and/or multimodal forms of scholarly communication), and
  • committed to working in international partnerships.

Details about the ICWG, co-leaders’ roles and responsibilities, timeline, and selection process are below.  For further information on the overarching ICWG initiative encompassing multiple tracks or project types, see the ICWG pages on the ISSOTL website, and view this collection of video interviews with former ICWG participants.

Aims and Outcomes

The aims of this cohort of ICWGs are to

  • build the capacity of participants to innovate and work effectively in international collaborative groups,
  • capture the collective historical knowledge in a set of products that live on beyond individual members,
  • document ISSOTL’s collective history (i.e., explore who we are, how we came to be, what has worked, what is missing, what could be, and how ISSOTL fits into the broader history of SoTL), and 
  • foster creativity in identifying the best product(s) for the work of the group.


The co-leaders’ coordination of this cohort of ICWGs begins January 1, 2024. In collaboration with the Emergent ICWG Working Group, co-leaders will immediately begin familiarizing themselves with — and adjusting as needed — the process for guiding the groups, and then identifying the specific projects that are feasible for this cohort.  The co-leaders will call for and select group facilitators, and then call for group participants, whom they will select in consultation with group facilitators.

Co-leaders will then guide group facilitators and their groups in the development and execution of their specific ICWG projects, starting in April 2024, continuing to and through the working session at ISSOTL24, and then until each group has completed its products, no later than the ISSOTL25 conference, where they are encouraged to share their work.  A more detailed timeline is below.

  Formation of the ICWGs


  • November 2023:  Call for applications for co-leaders
  • December 15:  Applications for co-leaders due
  • January 1, 2024:  Co-leaders announced,  ICWG Emergent Working Group and co-leaders to narrow to specific topic areas and potential outputs

Group Facilitators

  • January 15:  Call for group facilitators
  • January 30:  Applications for group facilitators due including preferred modality (fully virtual vs. virtual with face-to-face working session at ISSOTL24)
  • February 15:  Group facilitators announced


  • February 20: Call for participants
  • March 15:  Applications for participants due
  • April 15:  Participants announced
  ICWGs Work at a Distance
  • April 15:  Groups start work
  • September 1:  Project descriptions, draft plans, & identified needs from each group due submitted to co-leaders
….. ICWGs Work Together Preceding ISSOTL24 Conference
  • October 27-28, 2024:  face-to-face working session preceding the Oct 28-31 ISSOTL24 conference [All co-leaders, group facilitators, and group participants are expected to be in attendance at ISSOTL24, unless a group has been identified as virtual from the outset.]
  ICWGs Work at a Distance
  • November 2024 – October 2025: ICWG cohort and individual groups continue working until completion of projects
  • October 2025: Final products due, recommend presenting at ISSOTL25

 Co-Leaders’ Roles and Responsibilities

Co-leaders will organize this ISSOTL ICWG cohort to meet the aims and deadlines of the project.  Partnering with the ISSOTL ICWG Emergent Working Group that envisioned this emergent opportunity for 2024, the co-leaders will take the lead in doing the following:

  • partnering with the ICWG Emergent Working Group to realize the vision of this year’s theme, aims, and outcomes,
  • honing topic areas within this year’s theme for groups’ work,
  • coordinating the separate calls for group facilitators and participants,
  • selecting group facilitators and (with facilitators) participants for each group,
  • helping facilitators and groups to think broadly and creatively about what this ICWG’s artifacts might look like,
  • identifying needed resources and expertise to support this cohort of ICWGs,
  • supporting the group facilitators in their work,
  • planning and facilitating all aspects of the face-to-face meeting with group facilitators and participants, 
  • liaising with local conference organizers regarding the venue and resources for the face-to-face working session at the ISSOTL conference,
  • working with the group facilitators following the ISSOTL24 conference to support the continued development and completion of projects,
  • reporting to and consulting with the ISSOTL ICWG Emergent Working Group, which represents the ISSOTL Board, relevant committees, and previous ICWG co-leaders, and
  • writing an article for Teaching & Learning Inquiry (subject to the journal’s regular peer review process) about some aspect of this ICWG process, the nature of projects undertaken, and/or the overall experience.

Selection Process and Criteria

The selected co-leaders, who will ideally represent different institutions and different countries, should demonstrate that between them they have the necessary experience and skills to lead this initiative to successful completion. The selection committee will select two to co-lead this cohort of ICWGs. Potential co-leaders may apply as individuals or together; however, they do not need to identify a partner in order to apply to be a co-leader.

ICWG co-leaders will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • evidence of experience with or strong interest in exploring ISSOTL’s history, impact, and/or future as described in the year’s theme,
  • evidence of a sustained or growing interest in ISSOTL as part of SoTL’s history,
  • demonstrated ability to effectively coordinate and motivate group efforts, particularly diverse groups (ICWG groups will be made up of faculty, staff, and students from different nations, disciplines, identities/backgrounds),
  • experience working with digital, visual, and/or multimodal forms of scholarly communication,
  • competence in organizational skills and time management, and
  • enthusiasm for leading this ISSOTL initiative.

Applications outlining fit to the above criteria and expectations in no more than 3 pages should be emailed to Sarah Bunnell ( by December 15, 2023, along with a brief CV (no more than 5 pages) for each applicant.  Co-leaders will be recommended by the ICWG Emergent Working Group, approved by the ISSOTL Board of Directors, and notified via email no later than January 1, 2024.

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