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2023 Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award

Ingie Hovland is the recipient of the of the 2023 Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award.  Her anonymous review for Teaching & Learning Inquiry was one of four nominated reviews, and was finally selected as the recipient of this year’s award by a committee of previous recipients.

The editorial team of Teaching & Learning Inquiry developed this award to honor founding co-editor Gary Poole upon his retirement, as he was instrumental in developing the journal’s thoughtful, rigorous, and developmental peer review ethos. Nominations are evaluated by the nomination letter, the text of the nominated reviews, and the reviewing history of nominated reviewers in relation to the award criteria: review content (substantive feedback that reflects TLI’s mission, scope, and review criteria and provides helpful ideas for moving the submission forward), review style (clear writing, constructive tone), and the responsiveness of reviewer (timely, reliable responses to invitations to review and completion of reviews).

The committee’s unanimous decision was based on the fact that Hovland engaged fully as a thoughtful, rigorous, and developmental reviewer providing substantive feedback congruent with TLI’s mission, scope and review criteria. Hovland balanced large-scale structural critique with small-scale, specific suggestions for improvement that helped the authors revise and publish their work. Additionally, she highlighted specific sections of the article that were especially effective and exemplified best practices in SoTL. Hovland also demonstrated excellent willingness and timely follow through to complete numerous reviews for TLI.

Teaching & Learning Inquiry celebrates the generosity, expertise, insight, and labour of its reviewers by granting this award.

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